Chapter 12

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Ha Min was at the coffee shop waiting for someone.

Ha Min: You're here.

Hyunjin: Hi sunbae.

Ha Min: Sit down.

Hyunjin: Okay.

Hyunjin: but why did you ask to see me?

Ha Min: I wanna talk about Ah Hyun.

Ha Min: I'm sorry to put you in that situation the other day.

Hyunjin: What do you mean

Ha Min: With Ah Hyun.

Ha Min: Anyways. Im leaving in a few hours.
I want to thank you for taking care of her.

Ha Min: And I heard you guys broke up. Why?

Hyunjin: Its nothing. It's just that you guys had something before you left. And when you asked that she hesitated to answer. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't know her feelings.

Ha Min: Look. I took too long to say something, and now I'm in the states. But because i said nothing I got to meet her. But I'm her past now. And you're her present.

Ha Min: I've seen it. With Shi Woo. He lost his game because he saw his ex girlfriend, but he knew he wanted to be with Do Na.

Ha Min: Look, Ah Hyun is very straight forward. Except when she's in love.

Hyunjin: You know she falls in love easily.

Ha Min: But does she really tho?

Ha Min: You're a smart boy and she's a smart girl, I know you guys will work it out.

Hyunjin: Thank you.

Ha Min: I have to go, but it was nice talking to

Hyunjin: Bye.

Ha Min left

It was the next day and Ah Hyun was shopping with Gi Hyun.

Ah Hyun: I don't get why you have to come

Gi Hyun: My anniversary with Bo Reum is coming up.

Ah Hyun: No. I'm not helping you.

Gi Hyun: I wasn't going to ask!

Gi Hyun: But... Why not...

Ah Hyun: She's your girlfriend. Plus I know what to get her. I don't want you to steal my idea.

Gi Hyun: Fine! I don't need you anyways!

Ah Hyun left Gi Hyun.

Gi Hyun: *to self* Right. I'm her boyfriend, I know her the best. I can do this.

Hyunjin: Hello.

Gi Hyun: Oh hey.

Jeongin: Are you here alone?

Gi Hyun: I came with my sister, I wanted her to help me with my anniversary present for Ah Hyun but she doesn't want to help.

Hyunjin: Oh. How long have you guys been together?

Gi Hyun: I don't know.

He looked at Hyunjin.

Gi Hyun: Go make up with my sister. I don't like seeing her like that. It was annoying when Ha Min left. So please.

Hyunjin: I'm not mad at her. We're just not-

He cut Hyunjin off.

Gi Hyun: She's over there. Go.

Hyunjin left to Ah Hyun.

Jeongin: I thought you don't want her to date?

Gi Hyun: Yeah but, she's my sister and i should be happy for her. I tried stopping her relationship with Ha Min and look at her now. I think she's growing up and I can't stop her.

Hyunjin: Ah Hyun.

Ah Hyun: Hey. What are you doing here?

Hyunjin: I was hanging out with Jeongin.

Ah Hyun: Oh...

Hyunjin: That looks pretty are you getting that?

He was referring to the dress she had in her arms.

Ah Hyun: It's pretty. but I don't know yet.

Hyunjin: You look pretty in anything.

Ah Hyun: I know.

They both laughed and shopped around.

Gi Hyun: Are you done?

Ah Hyun: Yeah. Are we leaving?

Gi Hyun: Yeah. I didn't know what to get her. So i got her a necklace.

Ah Hyun: Bo Reum doesn't look like she'll wear that.

Gi Hyun: Whatever. This is only one. Anyways hurry up. I'll be waiting outside.

Ah Hyun: Okay.

She turned and looked at Hyunjin

Ah Hyun: We'll I'll see you at school then.

Hyunjin: Ah Hyun.

Ah Hyun: What?

Hyunjin: I'm sorry for how i acted.

Ah Hyun: No. I understand. I would've done the same.

Hyunjin: I really like you.

Ah Hyun smiled widely.

Ah Hyun: Really?

Hyunjin: Really.

He leaned in for a kiss

Gi Hyun: Why is she taking so long.

He turned at saw them from the store mirror.

Gi Hyun: That dude...

He laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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