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Mia Paige

“Hon, we have to go.” My dad said as he popped his head inside my room. I averted my eyes from the ceiling to see him in his black suit that he rarely wore, leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

“Coming,” I whispered but I hadn’t moved an inch. I heard my dad sigh as he settled on my bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

“Come on sweetie, you have to get up. We’re going to be late.” He said pulling me off the bed. I adjusted my black dress as we both walked out of my room.

“You want to talk about it?” he asked as we both got into the car. I shook my head, before resting it against the window.

“Well when you do, just know that I’m here for you, ok?” I wanted to believe him. But nobody understands.

So, I just simply nodded my head, for the sake of my father’s happiness. In reality, however, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to talk about it. Not yet anyways.

The car ride was entirely uneventful. I tried my best not to begin crying, and my dad tried his best to get me to talk to him. But neither goal was met as tears spilled out of my eyes and he just kept pressing me with the same question.

“Are you okay?” I never responded but in my head I would repeat the same question.

Do I look okay?

Unfortunately, we reached the church sooner than I had wanted. I would give anything to just avoid all this—to just forget everything.

“Come on, Mia.” my dad instructed, as he led me to the group of people standing near the church entrance. They shook everyone’s hands as the people walked in. A woman stopped as she grabbed me into a hug.

“Oh Mia” She merely choked, sobbing onto my velvet dress. I simply hugged her, as I let my own fresh tears spill over.

“How are you doing?” She asked, pulling away from me. I reached up to wipe away a tear.

“I’m-I’m doing okay.” I managed to choke out, before bawling again. My dad wrapped his arms around me once again, trying to calm me down.

“Mia?” I heard a girl say. I turned around to see my best friend running towards me.

“Skylar!” I cried. Her body crashed into mine, as she embraced me into a comforting hug.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” She sniffed, wiping away her own tears.

“Neither can I, I mean he was our best friend.”

Both our parents urged us to go in, not wanting to be late for the funeral. Skylar and I both sat up front, next to his parents.

“Please be seated.” The priest said, as he began his speech.

“Andrew Joseph Montgomery was a boy full of much promise and potential; a kindred soul to be lost at too young of an age.” He rambled on, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the casket behind him—the casket that held my best friend.

Drew, Skylar, and I had met when we were merely six years old. It always brings a smile to my face when I remember that memory.

“But Daddy I don’t want to play alone! I want to play with Kellie” I stomped my foot on the ground as we stood right in front of the park. My father sighed and stooped down to my eye level.

“Mia, Kellie is sick. Why don’t you play with that girl in the sandbox? She looks like she could use a friend.” he said, pointing to the brunette. I turned to look at the girl making a sand castle across the park. Letting out a sigh, I finally agreed.

“Good girl. Now run along. I‘ll be over by the park benches if you need me,” he said as I made my way over to the sandbox.

“Hi” I mumbled, suddenly becoming very shy. “What’s your name?”

The girl turned to look at me and smiled. “Skylar. What’s yours?” I watched for a moment as she poured a shovel full of sand into her pail.

“My name’s Mia, can I play with you?” I asked. To my surprise, he nodded her head ‘yes’, so I happily slipped off my shoes and stepped into the sandbox. The feel of cold sand tickled beneath my toes, as I sat down next to Skylar. We had talked animatedly for what felt like forever, sitting side-by-side, creating the ultimate sand castle.

That is, until it came crashing down.

“Hey! Why’d you do that?” Skylar yelled at the boy, her hands on her hips as she awaited an answer. He looked at us and smiled, mischief clouding his blue eyes.

“Because I felt like it.” He simply responded as he took a seat on the ledge of the sandbox.

“That wasn’t very nice” I whispered. Then, he turned to look at me.

“I know. I’m Drew.” He said, extending his hand towards me.

I stared at it for a moment, refusing to return the gesture. Drew frowned, before finally dropping his hands back to his sides.

“My name is Mia, you meanie” I said softly. He smirked and turned to Skylar.

“I’m Skylar,” She said as she raised an eyebrow at his benevolent demeanor.

“Well don’t just stand there, come help rebuild this, Drew.” Skylar ordered. Drew only shrugged, as he sat down next to me. He nodded and furrowed his eyebrows, filling the pail with sand. His eyes were fixed on the sand, and it took a whole lot to keep me from laughing.

Drew’s eyes met mine, him grinning from ear to ear.

And let’s just say the rest was history.

Skylar, Drew, and I had been best friends ever since. We did everything together and nothing could ever tear us apart.

That is until Drew got Cancer.

We were only sixteen when he was diagnosed, and he had assured us both that nothing was going to happen. That everything would still be the same.

Nothing would be the same.

Neither Skylar nor I could see that he was slowly fading. We didn’t want to accept this truth that our best friend was dying before of our eyes.

“Andrew died of lung cancer on April 12th, 2012, eight days before his eighteenth birthday. It is truly a tragedy to lose such a promising young boy.” The sound of the priest’s voice dragged me out of my stupor. He then moved over, allowing Drew’s parents to stand by the microphone.

They spoke lovely words about their son but I just couldn’t pay attention. My eyes were still glued to Drew’s casket. I felt Skylar squeeze my hand as they ended their speech and carried the casket out of the church.

I felt myself shaking as I doubled over in sobs. I couldn’t bare to watch as they took my best friend away. Skylar was shaking besides me, crying on my shoulders.

And just like that, he was gone. In the blink of an eye our best friend was ripped from our lives. It all happened so quick that I didn’t even have time to comprehend these emotions. He promised me he’d never leave us behind.

But he broke that promise.

Just like seeing him in that casket broke my heart.

Life will never be the same.

We will never be the same.

Nothing will ever be the same.


Hiya everyone this is Eleanor!!! I am writing the first chapter of me and Remya's new fanfic and we are both really excited about it!!!!!!! So obviously I worte this chapter and Remy is writing the next one whenever she's got time to do it which I'm not sure when so please vote, comment, fan whatever you feel is right. Please don't be a silent reader because we both love to hear from you guys. I'm dedicating this chapter to Remya because she's amazing and I love her! Ok well I'm going to sign off now. Bye!!!!!!

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