Sibling Time

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"You know we may never back to where we once were," I stated boldly. I don't want to upset him. He needs to know that although we may be alright now, we may never be what we once were. "Our lives have changed in those 8 months Cody. You need to know that I am not the same person I once was. I've changed a lot. You know that with time we can be as normal as we can be. I don't want to give you hope that tomorrow we'll be back to being really close. We cleared the air, but Cody I am still hurt." Cody seemed to be caught off guard with my response. "Lo, if I could take it all back you know I would. I want nothing more to be back to being close again. I know I have some making up to do with you. I am truly sorry. I am willing to try if you are as well." I've never seen Cody beg like this.

Maybe it was that I was exhausted from this conversation or the alcohol, but I agreed. "Fine but don't make me regret it." Cody hugged me after that. "Everything alright out here?" Mady asked coming out to the patio. "Yeah all is good. Thank you Cody for the help out here," I said as I walked off. I don't know if I am truly willing to try being his friend again. How do you go back to being friends when you are in love with him? I don't know if I can.

"Lo since it's summer are you going to travel with the WAGS to our away games?" Corey asked as I walked into the house. "Umm I haven't fully thought about that yet. I mean ya'll just finished with spring training and haven't even had opening day yet." I know Ross has been bugging me about traveling with the team and the WAGS. I feel weird since I am not a WAG myself. I don't think it is appropriate to be around them all. "Come on, it would be so much fun. I need my sister from another mister by my side," Shelby said with Mady agreeing. I turned and looked at the door with Cody standing there. "It would be fun to see you more often Lo," Cody stated agreeing with Shelby. "We'll see how about that?" I hope that will get everyone off my back.

It was a little after midnight when Cody, Corey, and Mady left. I was finally settling into bed when Ross walked in. "Hey sis, just wanted to say that you and I have a date tomorrow. Be up around 11 and don't ask any questions." "Alright. See you in the morning big bro." Who knows what tomorrow brings?

My alarm went off at 8:30. It was so early but I decided I could get a nice run in before I had to be ready for whatever Ross wanted. I got up and threw on some running shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and went for the door. I started my run and could feel myself getting lost in my music. It was definitely different running in California vs. Texas. There's no humidity and the heat is different. I for sure do not miss running in the Texas heat but hey Texas Forever. Yes, we all have Texas pride! I will always have a love for Texas, but this will be a good change. I didn't run far and decided it was time to turn around.

Getting back, Ross was just getting home from morning practice. "Hey, you are up early!" "Yeah I wanted to get a run in before we left to do whatever you have planned. I am going to shower. I'll be down soon." I rushed up the stairs to my room. I decided to take a relaxing shower. I went with a simple look again. Shorts, tank top, kimono wrap, and a cute messy bun on top. My make-up was kept simple and to top off the outfit, I wore my white converse. I felt good with how I look. Still keeping my southern roots with me with the lacy kimono. "Hey Shelby, Ross I am ready," I said once walking into the kitchen. Shelby looked like a mess still in her pj's. "Hey Lo, looking cute today. I think it is awesome that Ross is taking you for a bit while I meet with some of the WAGS to go over opening day." So that was where Shelby had to be. Usually when Ross and I do something Shelby comes with as well. "Well I hope you have fun. If you need rescuing just text me popcorn and Ross will drive me to you," I said making her laugh. "Oh you know it!" Shelby said as she walked out to go get ready. "Ready sis?" "Ready as I'll ever be."

Ross and I walked out of the house. I don't know when was the last time that we have spent the day together. I know we spent time together on the ranch. That's usually what Ross and I do. I am excited to spend time with him. I know that he has always been worried about me since Cody. Getting into his truck, yep Texas boy at heart, Ross started driving. "So where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask. "We are going to brunch and just spending time together. I feel like we need to catch up," Ross said with a shrug. I know my brother has been worried about me. Shelby and I talked about this before I moved to LA. "You missed me. You can admit it," I teased. "Maybe I missed you a little bit," Ross teased back. Ross turned up the radio as we drove. I was thankful for that.

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