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He was missing something significant and it was driving him mad even as he paced outside his father's office. Listening to Genesis and the wolf talk - and think, he supposes - had been increasingly frustrating whilst illuminating some notable distinctions. Jacob no longer reeked of wet dog, which is categorically impossible. All of the shifters smelled of stray street mutts who only knew rain and garbage puddles as a means of getting clean and lived on a diet of rotted meats. It was their defense mechanism against vampires. It's why the Cullens, other covens, and rogues smelled of cloying bleach and antiseptic to wolves. Their respective odors were meant to be deterrents, to protect each of them from the other. It made no sense for Black to suddenly smell of the sea, burning embers, and a lofty woodsiness that was unsettlingly alluring. 

And, certainly, his imprint shouldn't remind Edward of Lake Michigan on a windy afternoon, walking through the familiar embrace of his mother's lilac perfume, and the calming breath he takes every time he walks into the woods just outside his front door here in Forks. Genesis should smell like Jacob. Her aroma - odor, really - should be that of an average human clouded in mangy dog musk, not like... like home. 

Edward had long since misremembered the fragrance his mother wore, as they had stopped its production shortly after she died and he had been turned. The Great Depression had forced the company's doors closed, and it never had its renaissance. Edward knew then that all hope of keeping her memory alive was lost - other than her ring of course. The ring he had intended to give to Bella. His one true love.

"I think you know your future has changed,  brother."

Alice was staring at him from her perch on the kitchen island, the seam of her lips turned downward, but an unmistakable gleam in her eye. She had seen something significant, and she was excited about whatever it had been. Edward, however, could not muster up any amiability for his darling little sister and her mischievous secrets. He felt strangely tired, a state of being he had not endured in nearly a full century. All the tension, the secrets, and this godforsaken mystery everyone but him seems to know, had him exhausted and completely sapped of energy. So, he walked straight passed his sister,  head lowered and eyes averted, and into Carlisle's office.

Quite impolite for you, Edward.

"I knew you were not busy - your mind has been silent in wait for the last ten minutes."

It was true, his sire's thoughts had come to a slow and calculated halt as he recognized the sounds of distress Edward had undoubtedly made while pacing and wringing his hands. 

What seems to be bothering you, son?

He had no idea where to begin, none of it made sense to him. It had been less than three days and Jacob Black and his imprint had completely thrown him. All of this because he offered to help the wolf keep an eye on his human friend at their high school. It should have been simple and easy, but -

"I was not blessed with your gift, Edward. You will have to speak," there was a sparkle of humor to Carlisle's eyes as he said this. It was clear to him that his son was frazzled by whatever was happening; Edward had not even been this on edge when he first met Bella. 

"There is a girl..."

Carlisle's thoughts paused again, hesitating with the understanding that this girl was not his son's intended. A twinge of panic fired to life in the back of mind, wondering if there was another enemy he and his coven had yet again brought to Forks.

"Nothing like that. She is friends with Jacob Black."

"She must be a nice girl then."

Edward waits a beat at this, listening for any malintent or mirth in his father's voice, but he found none. Unlike their children, Carlisle and Esme both thought the pack was comprised of sweet teenagers forced to be guardians of their people. Edward was just tense, because the thing is, Genesis was in fact a nice girl: funny and witty, and unbearably smart. She'd come back to Forks armed with knowledge of the supernatural, prepared for whatever ills and perils this town might throw her way again. 

Carlisle's eyes were watching him in that assessing way he had, and Edward knew the man was taking note of his posture and energy.

"I find her to hold a sort-of wise bravery. She's new in town, but not quite. She moved away three years ago after being kidnapped and maimed. There were other abuses, I'm sure but she did not mention them and her mind in reference to that time is murky."

"She interests you?"

"She has a wound at her throat that she keeps hidden, but I know something happened. She can no longer speak. That got me in a spot of trouble today."

An insistent Edward came ringing through his head, but he continued.

"She's cautious: she watches people like she's waiting on them to explode. In retrospect, she wears 'I always have an exit strategy' plain on her face. She trusted me though - I think it was just earnest curiosity. She took note of Jasper's and my eyes before I even introduced myself..."

Edward, does she know? Is she human?

He paused again. The heat in his palm flared, and this time he knew Jacob was thinking of him. The two of them were probably still holed up together under that warm duvet, whispering about time lost, memories of the recent past, and the anomaly that was him. He did not fit with too warm-blooded -


"She is Black's imprint, and before they could run off into the horizon together, he glanced at me and fell ill, disoriented and delirious."

Is Jacob alright? What does this girl know?

"She could hear my thoughts, and when he awoke, so could Jacob. They can hear each other. Why can we all hear each other?"


"Why don't they stink, Carlisle?"

By this time, a series of vivid emotions had been laid bare via his sire's eyes. His body had tensed in worry and confusion, his face had pinched in fear and concern, before he settled into realization and a resigned acceptance. He looked as tired as Edward felt, and it occurred to the younger vampire that this was yet another person who understood what was happening when he had no clue. 

"I think you need to have a talk with Jacob again, son. Attempt to meet each other eye to eye."

What little body hair he had left stood on end. He was not one to fall prey to coded language. Carlisle's implication was simply impossible. Edward was a vampire and Jacob Black was a werewolf. Nothing but enmity can be borne between them. 

At the thought, a bloom of warmth sprouted at his side, not nearly as hot as his palm, but warm nonetheless. It pulsed with a thrum akin to a heartbeat. Edward was dazed. This was more than just him and the wolf. Another human had come into his life to shake it up.

What is the girl's name?


AN: sorry i've been gone for like a month and a half!!! got a new dog and then the world imploded even more. hug a black woman today for me. send me messages of love and hope. and know genesis would be out there marching.

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