The Campus Massacre

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A month later after Tara's family visited Australia, it was an ordinary Tuesday afternoon at Sydney University. As lunch begins, both Noah and Tara's friends gather together for lunch.

As Roxy arrives with her lunch that she ordered, she bumps into Kyle, one of the campus security officers. "Oh, I'm so sorry!", Roxy cried. "Nah, it's alright. I should be the one of apologise since I didn't see you in front of me. So I'm sorry.", Kyle replied. 

"That's ok.", Roxy smiled. "I'm Kyle.", Kyle replied, offer his hand to her. Roxy takes it and shakes his hand. "Roxy.", she smiled. "I guess I'll see you around.", Kyle smiled. "Sure.", Roxy replied as she walks away and Kyle resumes his job. 

Roxy walks to join her friends, and sat down next to Harlow. "Rox?", Harlow asked. "Yeah?", Roxy asked. "Why were you talking to that security guard?", Harlow asked. "Oh, we bumped into each other, but don't worry. We're fine.", Roxy replied as they all enjoy lunch together. 

An hour later, there was a huge bang and everyone started screaming and get to the ground. "What was that?", Tara asked, trying to cover her ears. Noah looks around and saw a man with a snipper on the roof of the campus. "Gun!", he cried, as he ducks down. The shooter starts to rapper fire the entire campus and everyone makes a run for it. 

"Get down!", Noah cried, as everyone runs whilst bending down. Noah quickly grabs Tara's hand and runs with her and Harlow. Roxy tries to run, but was shot by the shooter, and she falls to the ground. Roxy screams in agony. "Roxy!", Tara screamed. Kyle saw her and runs to her. Harlow uses her headband to stop Roxy's wound from bleeding. 

"We have to keep moving!", Noah cried. "Don't worry, I got her!", Kyle replied, as he lift Roxy in his arms and runs, whilst carrying her. Most students and staff have escaped unharmed from the shooting, and most were injured or killed. Everyone stood outside of the campus, where the police, ambulance and a SWAT team arrives. 

After a 3 hour stand off with the police, the shooter surrenders and is taken into custody,  his reign of terror is over. Kyle quickly get Roxy to the paramedics. "We do we got?", one of the paramedics asked. "Gunshot wound, to the leg.", Kyle replied. The paramedics check her pulse. "She's stable, but we need to get her to the hospital immediately.", the paramedic replied, loading Roxy's stretcher into the ambulance van. 

"I'll go with her!", Tara replied, and Noah nods and Tara jumps into the ambulance, and they drove off. "Come on, Harls, let's get to the hospital.", Noah replied, as he and Harlow runs to his car. "I'll be there, when I can!", Kyle replied. Moments later, Roxy and Tara arrives to the hospital. Frank is the first doctor to respond as the paramedic unloaded Roxy out of the van and into the hospital.

"What do we got?", Frank asked. "White female, age 20, gunshot wound in the leg from a campus shooting.", the paramedic replied. "Right, let's bring her in!", Frank called out, as Roxy was bought in. Tara came out. "Dr Keating!", Tara cried. "Tara, you alright?", Frank asked.

"I'm ok.", Tara replied, as she goes inside. Lee goes to the front and he was confused when he saw Tara coming in. "Tara?", he asked. "Lee!", she cried, running in and hugging him. "What's going on? What are you doing here?", Lee asked.

"There's been a shooting at the campus.", Tara replied. "What? Is Noah ok?", he asked. "He's fine, but my friend, Roxy got shot!", Tara cried, as Roxy was taken into one of the rooms. "Are you ok?", Lee asked. "I'm fine. Please, let me know if Roxy will be ok.", Tara replied.

"Don't worry, Tara, the doctors will take care of her, she'll be ok.", Lee replied. Then Harlow, Kyle and Noah arrives. "Noah!", Lee cried, running up to his brother. "Lee!", Noah cried, as the two brothers hug. "Oh my God!", Lee cried. "It's ok, Lee. I'm fine.", Noah sighed.

"What the hell happened back there?", Lee asked. "Some idiot came in and started shooting at everyone, including us, and he shot one of Tara's friends in the leg!", Noah cried. "Oh shit!", Lee scoffs. "Will she be ok?", Noah asked.

"I don't know, Noah. But the doctors will let you guys know. I gotta get back to work, I'll see you later.", Lee replied, as he walks away. Noah and Tara hugs as Harlow watches Roxy being looked after by the doctors. The four were waiting in the waiting room.

Then all of their families, including Tara's who flew to Australia as fast as they could after hearing the news, arrives to the hospital. "Mum? Dad? Tori?", Tara asked. "Tara!", Meg cried, running and hugging her. "We heard what happened and flew all the way here as fast as we can! Are you ok?", Meg asked.

"I'm fine Mum.", Tara replied. Noah's parents hugs him. "I'm so glad you're ok!", Donna cried. "I'm fine, Mum. I really am.", Noah sighed. Harlow's parents, Greg and Helen embrace her. "We were so worried about you.", Helen cried.

"I'm alright, Mum.", Harlow replied. Suddenly, Harlow's fiance, Hendrix, who drove all the way from Melbourne, arrives to the hospital. "Harls!", Hendrix cried. "Hendrix!", Harlow cried, as they hugged.

"I heard what happened. Are you ok?", Hendrix asked, as he check to see she doesn't have any wounds on her body. "Yeah.", Harlow replied. "Are you sure?", he asked, double checking. "Hendrix, I'm ok.", Harlow smiled. Roxy's parents, Gemma and Will and her older brother, Jay, who is a cop, all arrived in fear.

"Mr and Mrs Welles.", Tara replied. "Tara, Harlow! Where's Roxy?", Gemma asked. "She's still in surgery, the doctor hasn't come out yet.", Tara replied. "What happened?", Jay asked. Tara and Harlow told Jay everything, and Jay wrote their statements onto a notepad. "Thank you, ladies. I better go and get back to the station.", Jay replied.

Then Frank and Lee arrives to the waiting room, as Jay was about to leave the hospital. "Jay, wait! The doctor's here.", Gemma cried. "Dr Keating!", Tara cried. "How's Roxy, Dad?", Noah asked. "We manage to remove the bullet from her leg.", Frank replied.

"Is she ok?", Jay asked. "She lost a lot of blood.", Frank sighed. "Dad, is Roxy going to be ok?", Noah asked. "She's going to be ok, the bullet missed the bone, so she'll be wearing a leg boot for a few weeks.", Frank replied. "Can we see her?", Gemma asked. "Of course, but she's unconscious at the moment, so keep it down.", Frank replied.

"Thank you, Dr Keating.", Tara sighed. "Thank you so much, doctor.", Will replied. "You're welcome.", Frank replied, as he took everyone, where Roxy is. "Ok, a few people at a time, don't want to crowd her, so start with family first.", Frank replied.

Roxy's family goes in first to see Roxy, while Tara, Noah, Harlow and their families waited outside of Roxy's room. 3 weeks later, after that fateful day, everyone at the university, are trying to move on with their lives, and the security of the campus has been secure.

The shooter is arrested and sentence to life imprisonment. Roxy stayed at the hospital during those 3 weeks, to recover. She went to physical therapy to gain feeling in her leg, which became a success. Tara and Harlow would come in to see her every day after school, and deliver her school work for her.

Roxy even gets spoiled with flowers and "Get Well" cards from other students and teachers at uni, which is delivered by her friends. When Roxy is well enough to go home, she was discharged and returned back to uni, but still has to recover from her injuries, and she still has to wear a boot and use crutches to help her walk.

Both Tara and Harlow support her needs, both at home and at uni, and the girls took over Roxy's housework chores for her, until she recovers.

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