Chapter One ~ Harry's POV

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'Louis what are you doing here?' I questioned, tears threatening to escape for the second time as i looked down at my shoes; trying to find somewhere to look that wasn't him.

'Please just let me explain, what happened in New York was a mistake and i shouldn't have done it. Please just- just sit down and let me talk.'

I slowly nodded and sat down on the sofa, mentally preparing myself for what i was about to hear. This was either going to push me over the edge or make me run into his arms; there was no between.

~ 3 hours earlier ~

'Harry we need to be heading back, the show is starting soon and i need to get my hair and makeup done.'

'Give me 2 minutes.'

I had hoped that leaving the hotel for the first time on the tour so far would cheer me up, however Jessi was making that an almost impossible task. We left for the mall only a few hours ago and she complained the whole time. Her feet were sore, she needed to get ready, she didn't like that store, i had heard it all and was almost ready to rip my hair out. Jeff said i needed to get out and explore, but honestly this was making me even more worried for tonight's performance. We were due the most amount of people so far this tour and although it was only the forth performance so far, it was also the biggest stadium that was booked for the whole year of the tour.

I was stood in the changing room, trying on a loose fitting pink t-shirt whilst Jessi was shouting at me through the door. I pulled it off, hanging it back on the hanger as i shoved my normal shirt on. After paying, we began walking back to the hotel with my bodyguard; arms full of shopping bags as proof of what we had been doing for the past few hours.

I hadn't realised my plans for the day as i was getting dressed earlier this morning and my black jeans were making me realise why i always wear baggy things when i've got to walk a lot. They were rubbing against my knees, screaming to be let out through small rips that weren't there. Luckily, i had opted for a flowered loose-fitting shirt so i wasn't getting too hot or sweaty with the exercise i was doing.

'Are any of your family coming tonight?' I asked, hopeful to keep up a conversation so the journey wouldn't feel as boring.

'My two best friends are coming, but none of my family. They go to college here so this is the only show they could make.' Sometimes i forget that she's still so young, the 6 years between us felt more like 2 years. 'It's okay for them to go in the VIP box isn't it?' She looked at me with hopeful eyes as i smiled and nodded back.

'Of course, Jess you know you can let trusted people in there as long as it's not many!'

'They also asked me to ask if you were comfortable meeting them before the show as well...' She looked down, seeming embarrassed to be asking. For the last two shows, her mother and sister had come with us and i had met them both before the tour started so having two new people in the VIP box would be great.

'As long as they don't make me late, they're welcome to come meet me!'

'I know i shouldn't ask this but is any of your old band going to be coming to watch the show at any of the destinations?' My heart began to sink at the thought but u brushed the feeling off. It had been years since we broke up, i shouldn't let questions like this bother me.

'Well... Niall is coming to the show in Florida but he's the only one i really speak to very often so i'm guessing none of the others will show up. I would be surprised if they turned up but oh well.' I tried to make it obvious that i wanted to change the conversation so i asked her about her personal life.

After talking about her friends for what felt like only a few minutes, we were back in front of the venue. We walked straight in and headed to our dressing rooms without another word between us.

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