Chapter Six ~ Harry's POV

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Hello, so I know I haven't updated this in a month and I've been doing that a lot but I promise that I'm gonna try to start updating once a week. I just have a question or two that I beg you to answer. This story, although I have plans for it, is turning to shit and my writing in it is shit so here are some options:

Continue writing this one and trying to update more often
Delete this one and write a new one, again updating more often
Try to write both but not update as often

anyway, let me know what you decide and enjoy this chapter. I haven't checked spellings and things so please excuse any mistakes.


I jumped slightly as I snapped my eyes open, not realising that we had even fallen asleep. Lou was still asleep, laying down on the sofa beside me with his head resting on my knee and honestly, he looked quite calm and comfortable. His breathing was steady, but you could still hear grogginess in the quiet sound due to his crying earlier on.

After I had told him about the phone call with Shaun, he had gotten unbelievably upset and started blubbering, saying things like 'he's gonna ruin you Haz' and 'I'm so sorry, I feel fucking terrible' which I just answered back with a strong hug. We discussed what he could possibly be up to, but couldn't think of anything in particular so we just held each other close and sobbed to each other. I didn't even know why I was crying, but Lou was upset so I couldn't help being a little emotional when seeing him in that state. We somehow made our way to the sofa and got comfy, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up with a tear-stained cheeks and heavy eyelids.

I brushed my hand gently through his hair, pushing it off his face and smiled at the view. His cheeks were blushed and he had small lines on his forehead, probably from the build up of worry that he has had to endure since this morning's meeting with Jessi. I silently promised myself that I wouldn't bring it up between Lou and I until we next see Jess because honestly, this day had been stressful enough and so we needed a few hours of calm before the storm would hit. I didn't know whether that was Mark, or Sophie, but either could make my life a lot harder. But Louis was safe, and mostly happy, and that's all i cared about at the current time.

I looked over at the clock, feeling my heart drop when i realised that we had slept for 3 hours. It was 3:30pm, meaning we only had about an hour before we needed to be at the stadium for soundcheck and to get ready for the concert. I was both nervous and excited as Lou was going to be there with me for the first time. Well... kind of the first time...? He was there for yesterdays show but I wasn't aware of that so he didn't get the backstage experiences like he would be tonight.

My eyes shot down to look at him as I felt his body tense, meaning that he was gaining consciousness. I moved my hand from his hair to his hand and rubbed it gently, tracing my fingers over the creases and small tattoos. I heard a quiet grumble from him before his eyes fluttered open and seeing me next to his head, he quickly turned his frown into a soft smile.

'Hey Haz,' he mumbled, his voice sounding thick with sleep. He sat up and stretched his arms out wide, nearly hitting me in the face, and standing up to continue his stretching.

'Stretching isn't gonna make you grow Lou.' I said whilst trying to keep my laughter inside. I knew what wound him up and so tried it as often as possible, but making sure I didn't take it too far like I had a couple of times in the past. He just glared at me with thin eyes before spinning on his heal and skipping towards the kitchen, frown evident on his face. I laughed to myself then followed him through the door, interested in what he was planning on doing.

'You're never gonna get tired of using my height as a joke, are you?' He must've heard me following him... oops.

'If you grew then I wouldn't be able to use it, so maybe just...grow?' I pulled my cheeks up to smile at him innocently, showing as many teeth as possible to reduce my risk of being slapped; he could never stay angry at me after I smiled at him. He just shook his head and attempted to hide the smile that had crept onto his face.

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