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Jungkook was running searching around the place looking for Taehyung and Jimin. He didn't know why he wanted to help Hoseok so bad but he would feel bad if he didn't. After minutes of running, he found them. "Hey!" He ran over and Taehyung and Jimin looked over, confused at the sudden panicked appearance of Jungkook. "Hey... long story but we need that" he pointed at the first aid kit. "Who's we?" Taehyung asked. "Two guys... Yoongi and Hoseok. Now please... can I take it?" "Yeah, go." Jungkook thanked them and took it then ran back to Yoongi and Hoseok.

Yoongi tried to get Hoseok breathing again by doing CPR, and luckily, it worked. Hoseok starting breathing heavily and Yoongi sighed in relief. He repositioned himself and rested Hoseok's head on his lap. "Y... Yoongi... t... thank you..." "Why are you thanking me? I left you alone..." Yoongi said sadly. "You had to... but y... you came back." Yoongi smiled weakly then said, "I didn't know what to do... I saw someone walking and I realised they weren't part of them... Jungkook. I couldn't have done it without him." Hoseok nodded slightly then closed his eyes and groaned in pain. "...W... where is he now?" "He's gone to find something to help you. Just hold for a bit longer, please. You'll be ok." He nodded and after a minute or two Jungkook came running back. He put the first aid kit on the ground and sat down panting to catch his breath. Meanwhile, Yoongi quickly treated Hoseok's wounds and bandaged them. After a couple of minutes, Jungkook stood up and said, "Well... I'd better be going now." "Where are you going?" Yoongi asked him. "Just... looking around." "Can't you... stay?" Jungkook looked down for a second then said, "I really gotta go." "...Ok then... thanks so much." Jungkook nodded then looked at Hoseok who was sleeping and sighed. "Well bye." "Bye." Jungkook left. It wasn't that he needed to go. He didn't want to go either. He just didn't want to loose someone again. He didn't think that he would be able to take it. So, he tried his best not to get attached to anyone. Though that went downhill.

Namjoon had made quite a bit of progress on making somewhere to stay, when he decided to take a break and go look for stuff. That was until he heard someone fall. He looked in the direction of the noise to see a familiar face. It was that guy he helped. He decided to go and talk to him. If he knew that he had helped him, he shouldn't do anything. He walked over as Jin stood up, and Jin noticed him. Out of instinct, Jin took a step back so Namjoon froze. "W...who are you?" "...I helped you the other day, when you were asleep." Jin widened his eyes remembering that he had woken up somewhere different than he had fallen asleep, with a bottle of water and some crisps. "That was you?" "Yeah." It was silent for a moment then Namjoon asked, "How are you doing now?" "I mean... fine I guess... just... kinda lost." "Well... you wanna come back with me? I'm trying to make somewhere to stay in." "...Ok." Jin followed Namjoon and was shocked when he saw the progress of the home Namjoon was making. "Woaaahhh you did this all by yourself?!" "Yeah" Namjoon chuckled. "How long did it take?" "Well it's been 2 days." "YA DID THIS IS 2 DAYS?!" Namjoon was taken aback. "Yeah..." "YO DUDE YOU'RE TALENTED! What's your IQ?" "148." Jin nearly fainted. "WHAT?!" "Yeah... 148." Jin blinked a couple times processing the information before nodding and looking at his work again.

Taehyung wouldn't stop moving around and Jimin was getting annoyed. "Taehyung would you quit moving?" "Argh!" Jimin flinched and Taehyung grabbed his hair in frustration. "...You ok dude?" "It's just... everything's messed up! And what about that guy? We don't even know his name." "..." Taehyung sighed and sat down resting his head on Jimin's shoulder, then closing his eyes. "Sorry... we're all struggling I shouldn't loose my temper like that..." "No, it's fine. It's better to get it out anyways." Taehyung looked up at Jimin and Jimin smiled slightly before grabbing their water bottle. He sighed when he saw only one sips worth left. He put it down then Taehyung asked, "Are you thirsty?" "...Yeah..." "Have it. There's only one sips worth left anyways." Jimin sighed and nodded before drinking the last sip of the bottle. "...Now what?" Jimin asked. Taehyung thought for a minute then asked, "How about we search the woods? We could maybe find some fruits and some water. We'll have to filter it... somehow... but it's better off than staying here." Jimin bit his lip and then nodded, so the two of them stood up slowly making their way into the woods.

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