When You Play With His Hair

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Photo: @tsukiaki from Twitter (Kudos to the artist! I really love your cute artwork of Deku! x3)

LINK : https://twitter.com/sunshineizuku/status/1118561455098306560


"Hah! That was a great jog, (Y/N)-chan!"

Sunday finally came at last since this week was quite hectic and Midoriya and I just finished our early afternoon jog just now.

Originally, we were suppose to jog around the beach park where we usually have our workout routines together but we ended up jogging outside the beach too until we reached our neighborhood.

I guess we overdid our jogging routine than usual but good thing we still had the stamina left to stop by at his apartment complex and rest there.

"...longer than I thought it would be, haha", I said and laughed before sitting down on his couch, "But yeah! I really needed this. Thanks for inviting me, Izuku".

"Anytime!", Midoriya said enthusiastically but he was showing signs of fatigue and slowly panted, "...since we jogged all the way here, I think my stamina got the best of me".

He walked in a tired pace and sat down beside me but after a few minutes, he ended up leaning his head against mine.

I slightly gasped from the contact and I can see how tired he is just by looking at his facial expression but he still looks cute though.

"Hah...", he panted slightly and looked at me with his cute but tired smile, "...Umm, I hope it's not too much to ask but...may I...lay on your lap for bit? I-If it's okay with you, that is! I mean, you're my girlfriend after all and I want to know what it feels like and-"

He continued rambling on and on like always and I ended up laughing.

"Izuku, it's okay! No need to worry at all", I said and kissed his cheek, "Besides, you look like you need rest".

"Really? Do I look that tired? Haha", Midoriya said with blush on his cheeks and laughed in a tired tone, "But thanks, cupcake. If you excuse me...".

He slowly let his head lay on top of my lap and shifted his body to get himself into a comfortable position.

"So comfy, hehe~", Midoriya commented, "A-And that means I can do this too!".

He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and gently embraced me. So cute!!

I can feel my cheeks getting red from all this but I am happy to see a sight such as this.

My cute freckled broccoli boyfriend laying on my lap and hugging me like I am a cute teddy bear.

"So warm...", Midoriya commented and smiled, "I can see why couples do this sort of thing".

I smiled back and out of instinct, I ended up stroking his hair which abruptly made me pull my hand away.

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

"N-No, it's okay! Please continue!", Midoriya interrupted and smiled brightly, "I-It feels really good when you touch my hair. R-Really!".

I blinked a few times and afterwards I sighed relief and decided to touch his hair again.

I started combing and ruffling it gently with my fingertips then I can see him getting relaxed from my gesture.

'Now that I think about it. I never touched his hair before', I thought and looked at his green hair, 'But wow, It's not just fluffy by looks of it but it feels fluffy too!'.

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