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Back at the ranch Delia was teaching Ozelia how to make pancakes. As best as a 7 year old could anyway.
"You can't read Ms. Celia? Why didn't you go to school?"
"What's school?"
"My Daddy says it's a place where the government indoctrinates children to function as chattel in society. It's the summer time so I'm not there, but when I go in the winter I get to see all my normal friends. it's fun"
"I see" Ozelia felt weak and without energy.
Delia read, "Ok so, 2 eggs, 1 milk"
Ozelia had no clue what Delia was talking about so she just sat down on the breakfast nook next to the box of pancake mix and sprawled ingredients.
"It's ok Ms. Celia I know it's confusing. Kinda like math."
"Math is easy. Numbers are universal facts." It was the milk and eggs Ozelia was confused about.
There was a knock on the door heard not too far away from the kitchen. Ozelia popped up to be on guard and Delia just awaited in silence.
"If we hear two more like that it's my Daddy and we can go to the door. I know you don't like pants but let me run and get you some or he'll be mad"
As Delia ran upstairs to her father's drawers to find shorts, Ozelia listened for a total of three knocks.
She only heard one more so far..
Delia ran back through the house and into the kitchen with a pair of basketball shorts and handed them to Ozelia quickly. "Hurry! I'll run to the door."
As Delia ran down the hallway that passed the small living room and led to a modern foyer she peeked from behind the curtain window to make sure it was her father.
She saw two nondescript white men dressed in casual black clothing. Delia immediately ran back to Ozelia and exclaimed, "We have to hide!"  
Baltimore city streets were terrible. Boone's Black 1985 Monte Carlo was already falling apart and the potholes and cracked cement didn't help. So everytime he drove, no matter the rush, he took his time.
As he started to slowly  approach his block in fells point baltimore, he noticed a black van a few row houses down from his.
Considering he was working on illegal science compositions at his university and now housed an alien, he was officially rightfully paranoid. So he dipped into the alley and parked in his backyard.
As he went through the haphazard jungle leading to his back door, he noticed a auburn glow from within the grass. As he walked over to grab it, he realized his daughter was in there and the government was outside. He quickly searched for the correct key and used it to unlock the back door.
"Hello? Ya'll alright? The backdoor opened into a small mudroom with a washer and dryer that led to the kitchen; when he got to the chicken he noticed pancake ingredients left all over the table. He grew nervous as Delia usually cleaned up evidence of her cooking because she was not permitted to.

Upstairs, Ozelia heard the beautiful man call for Delia  but she was far too trained to just answer. They hid in a jacuzzi bathtub that was in a work-in-progress sauna room behind the bathroom in his Master Bedroom. She covered the girl's mouth as she cradled her with both arms. She decided to start moving downstairs to at least tell him to be quiet as there were strangers outside.

As she moved, he started down the hallway leading to the upstairs steps, checking every closet along the way.
Eventually Ozelia startled him and then tapped his mouth three times motioning for him to be quiet.
He saw that Delia looked afraid so he as quick as he could to his patio to check for the vehicle.
They were gone.
He ran back downstairs to tell them everything would be ok.
But on the way there he wondered if that was true.
"I'm sorry baby, you ok"
Delia asked, "who were they?"
"I don't know yet"
Ozelia said, "I should leave"
"You can't!" They both said in Unison.
The beautiful man said, "I have many questions and curiosities. Besides that I need a babysitter so she doesn't have to be alone or sit with me at my lab"
"I could be putting you both in aren't aware of the severity of my presence"

"It is worth it"
"Daddy, she needs clothes."
"Good idea. We need to assimilate you"


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