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My sniffles filled the dark room as tears ran down my face.
I replayed yesterday's events over and over again in my head
You are quirkless
The doctor told us

I can remember my mom horrified look on her face, as she hugged me tight and said how sorry she was.
How it was her fault for not giving me a quirk and how she would find a way.

I'm still in my room.
Lights off and looking at All Might from my computer, the only light source which burns my eyes now.
What did mom mean she would find a way?
I'm quirkless, that's it.
Kachaan even called me Deku when he found out.

The door creeked open and a sliver of light bleed in.
'Can you please come out?'
Why? What's going on?
'There is something I want to show you'

Those 8 words were enough to send the young boy into a panic frenzy.
What was she gonna show me?
Is she going to send me away?
She doesn't love me anymore?


No way
The gentleness of her voice gave nothing away except the unconditional love a parent has for their child
And that gave the push for him to step out of his room in 24 hours and into the blinding light of his home, except...
There was this big, bulky and old leather bound book in the middle of the living room table.

There was something off about the book. It drew Izuku's attention and radiated power.
It demanded power
He was pulled out of his trance when his mother grabbed him by the shoulders and looked at him in the eyes.

There was a look in her eyes which he had never seen before
Determination and desperation
He didn't like it
He wanted his old mom
Who would bake cookies and say how much she loves him
Only then did it register to him what she was saying

'Do you understand Izuku? What I'm about to show you, you cannot show or say to anyone else. Do you understand? Nod if you understand
You cannot speak a word of this to anyone'

Not knowing what to do. He nodded.
Unaware of what he just did and how it would change his life forever.

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