No One

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"Forgive me, Hyeyoon-ah... Naega jalmothaesso. Please, don't leave me. I have no one in this world, I only have you..."

Wijin cries his eyes out while begging to Hyeyoon.

"I promise I'll change, it won't happen again. Please don't leave me, eoh?" Wi Jin continues his pledge while holding Hyeyoon's hand.

It's not the first time he's acting like this. Hyeyoon actually tired of this, but she's...scared.

Her body's still aching because of the beating two days ago. Her cheeks bruised, strangulation marks on her neck are still plastered clearly.

And here he goes kneeling before her apologizing. How can she not accept it? He promises won't repeat it again though.

She nods weakly. Wi Jin stands up and holds her hands again, "Gomawo, Hyeyoon-ah, saranghae..."

"Come here, let me put ointment to your wound..." Wijin pulls her and makes her sit on the sofa.

Yes, he's actually not a bad person, Hyeyoon hears her self saying that in her mind. It won't happen again. She sure can changes him to be a better person. She won't let him go. She'll forgive him, like what has happened before.


He's so sweet to her. He brought her flowers and chocolates and gave her a lot of surprises gifts. And they'll make love almost every day. Hyeyoon was very happy in their first months of dating.

But his mood changed very quick. One simple mistake can make him furiously mad.

The memory's still clear in her mind. It was her birthday, she met her friends from college for a reunion. She was so excited meeting Jihyun, Gunjoo, Yongdae, Naeun, Jiin, Jaewook, and Rowoon. She had a good laugh that night.

Rowoon kept making jokes and making everbody laugh. He teased Hyeyoon multiple times and she hit his arm countless times for that.

That's when Wijin came in to the restaurant. She did tell him about this place but she never thought he'd came here.

He smiled when he saw her and approached their table.

"Oppa, you're here?" Hyeyoon couldn't hide her surprise.

"Nugu?" Jaewook and Rowoon asked the question together while the rest looked confused.

"Hi, I'm Wijin, Hyeyoon's boyfriend." Wijin casted his gorgeous smile and answered right away.

Her friends murmured hi while looking at Hyeyoon and Wijin.

Jiin nudged Jihyun's arm and they both giggled, "Ooh, Hyeyoonie, your boyfriend is so handsome..."

Still smiling, Wijin said, "I'm sorry to bother your precious moments, but I need to go with Hyeyoon right now."

Is that so? Hyeyoon asked her self. She didn't remember they had an appointment, but she got up anyway, "Chingudeul, I have to go now, see you next time, okay."

"Ohh Hyeyoonie should you really go now? I still miss you..." Jihyun hold Hyeyoon's hand tried to stop her from leaving.

"Eoh, I have to go, but don't forget to call me later okay, Jihyun-ahh..."

Wijin reached out for Hyeyoon's hand and nodded to her friends, "Please excuse us."

"I'm envy..." Naeun pouted seeing the couple walked out hand by hand.

Little did they know, Rowoon's face hardened and his fist clenched. He reached for the soju bottle in front of him and drank it to wash away his jealousy.

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