The Right Thing

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"Guys, check out the news right now!"

Gunjoo's chat in their group chat makes Hyeyoon turn on the tv in her living room.

"What happens?" Rowoon rushes to her from the kitchen. Since the day Wijin got beat up by the boys, Hyeyoon's friends agree to take turn accompany her. Today's Rowoon's turn.

"Mwolla, Gunjoo only ask us to watch the news."

Rowoon sits beside her and watch the news with her.

"Maldo andwae..." she whispers.

Hyeyoon's cellphone rings, it's Jihyun.

"Hyeyoon-ah gwenchana? Have you seen the news? Is that him?"

Eyes on tv, Hyeyoon answered, "Eoh, it's him, Jihyun-ah..."

Her cellphone falls from her grip, luckyly Rowoon quick enough to catch it, "Eoh, Jihyun-ah. Yes, I'm here with her, don't worry too much. Eoh... Gomawo..."

He ends the call and sits behind her.

Her eyes stare blankly at the television. Is he really dead? Hyeyoon puzzled. They found his body in the forest, inside the car. Suicide? Is that true? All the questions run through her mind.

Her heart sinks. It's true that he treated her bad. But, she once loved him and adored him and had dreamt of a future with him. Without her knowing, her tears falls down to her cheeks.

Rowoon sighs and takes her heads to his hug.

A minute later she's crying uncontrollably in his chest.

It's not her first time, crying like this in front of him. Rowoon is like her safe haven. She feels safe whenever she's with him.

She remembers the first time, it was her mother's death. They found her in Han River, just few days after her step dad found death in his house.

Her feeling was complicated at that time. She was supposed to be sad or depressed after losing her mom that way. But no, she was never sad. Instead she felt at ease.

All the time when she's holding her mother's death ceremony, she didn't shed a single tear. It was when she's finally home.

Rowoon was placing her mother's urn at her living room. And suddenly without her knowing, she broke down in tears.

She was sure it was not tears of grief or sadness. But next thing she knows she sobbed calling her mom over and over again while hitting her chest.

Eventhough she sold her out to Mr. Lee to relieved her of her debt, she's still her mother. They had their happy times and pleasant memories before. She felt bad because she didn't felt sad at all.

Rowoon reached for her hands to stop her from hitting herself and took her to his arms instead. He let her cried her eyes out until she calmed down.

Still with tears in her face, she asked, "What should we get for dinner? I'm starving, Rowoon-ah."

This time the same.

While chomping on her dinner, Hyeyoon steals glances at Rowoon. He is astonishingly beautiful. His physique also stands out. Many girls had crush on him back at college. But he never accepted them.

Hyeyoon and her friends once thought he's gay. Plenty of men showed their interest to Rowoon too, but he's not interested either.

All their times together, they never seen him in a relationship. They even arranged countless blind dates for him but he said he's not interested in dating. He's already being in relationship with them and he felt content, he said.

Whenever he said that Gunjoo teared up and hugged him and started to blabed nonsense like he loved him too and that they never outcasted him and they will grow old together and be friends forever.

She smiles. She's overwhelmed with gratitude to him. He's always there beside her through any kind of weather.

"What? Is there something on my face? Why do you look at me like that?"

Rowoon's question suddenly snaps her from her winding mind.

"Don't you have someone you like?" Shit, why does she ask that, Hyeyoon startles herself with her own sudden question.

"I do," he smiles.

"Jinjaa? Who is she? Do I know her?" It's already too late to take back the questions so Hyeyoon decides to play.


What is this? He has someone he likes and never told her about it?



Hyeyoon chokes on her food hearing that.

Rowoon immediately approaches her and pats her back, "Gwenchana Hyeyoon-ah?"

"Yaa... Don't joke like that, it's not funny!" she hits his arm.

"It's true though. I fell for you since the first time I saw you." He leans on the table and stares right to her eyes.

A minute later he low his head to her face and kiss her open lips softly.

Hyeyoon blinks. His action surprises her but she likes the taste of his lips on hers. Few second later, she reaches for his cheek and continues nibble his plump lips teasingly.

She finds herself closing her eyes and savors the sensational feeling when their tongues meet. She can feels her body heaten because of the kiss.

Is this the right thing to do? Hyeyoon asks herself.

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