One Of Her Secret

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He feels her body moves under his arms. "You're awake, Hyeyoon-ah?"

"Hmm... What time is it now, Rowoon-ie?"

"It's only six AM. You can sleep again for another hour."

She mumbles meaningless hum and wrap her body with his arm, feeling his bare chest in her skin. "I'm curious, Rowoon-ah, all this time, why did you never tell me about your feeling to me?"

Rowoon smiles before answering her question, "You always had a boyfriend back then. There's no room for me." He caresses her hair.

Oh, how you were wrong, Rowoon-ie, she said to her self. There's always room for men in her life.

There's a reason why she had always in a relationship. It's to fill the void in her soul. Sex was and still is a one way ticket to fuck her brain out, to get rid of painful memories on her mind, even only for a brief moment.

The sensational feeling of intimacy filled the emotional holes in her heart, became a drug for her winding mind, and gave her a temporary high so she could forget everything ever happened in her life.

Ironic, because the painful memories she tried hard to repress was the memory of her first sexual encounter. The one that she refuses to talk or even think about.

It would be pleasant if the men came to her life were all good men. But, how could she hoped for that when she wasn't a good girl at all? Her need for intimacy made it easy for her to had relationship with two or three boys at a time. So if one couldn't do it with her, she always had extras.

They never got mad at her. All men are the same. She only had to feed their ego and planted her idea on their mind to manipulated them into doing things she wanted to.

Should she tell him this? They're friends. And she always grateful for him. She knows he did many things for her. But as a boyfriend, can he handle her?


I miss this story. So...quick update, just few words.

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