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This is the continuation after chapter 11

Taehyungs POV
I could see his face more clearly as it was near my face his hair bangs were sticking on his head it made him seriously look hot as fck Wait Taehyung remember what he did to you I kept telling my mind that but my heart was telling something else it was like I have fallen for him.. But sadly he doesn't loves me anymore.. I raised my hand carefully not to wake jungkook up and started caressing his face...i admit he has a nice skin it's soft and his squishy cheeks it looks so peaceful to look him like this otherwise all the time he's angry on me ...what I did in the past if he did the same I would never treat him like this but what happened to him... I thinkn its not just for cheating or breakup I think there's something more than that he isn't telling me
(I have alot planned for this story😁)
The moment I was going to get up Jungkook held my hand and pulled me to him and said

"You had your fun touching my face isn't it then let me have mine"

Jungkooks POV

I could feel him touching my face so gently but guess what I will do right now he must have never thought bout it

The moment he was going to get up I pulled him and said

"You had your fun touching my face isn't it then let me have mine"

I connected our lips and kissed him hungrily with no passion or love just desperecy and no emotion he was struggling at my grip but I knew I was stronger than him I held him tightly and whispered in his ear

"You know what a Good husband does they pleasure their husband...So let me make you feel good" I knew I felt him getting goosebumps the moment he heard that

I kept on kissing him ..I bit his bottom lip asking for entrance he kept on pushing me and I am going to get what I want and I squeezed his butt in a very hard manner he let out a whimpering sound and opened his mouth I took the advantage and slipped my tongue inside his mouth and sucked his tongue and his wet mouth at that point I thought he kissed me back but what he did made my anger increase like a gun shot he freaking kicked me on my stomach and ran away ..Huh? What a goddamn unserviceable slut he is...

Taehyungs POV

I wasn't expecting this to happen like why did he do that to me without taking my permission.. I don't know for how long this is going to last the way he treats me makes me feel like shit.. Why can't he just love me back and without thinking much I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up.... I Dont want to see his face for a awhile he just make me feel like shit..The moment I got down to the living area I saw him with that whore or what should I say fck buddy of jungkook... He sitting on the sofa like there is so many space why can't she sit on the sofa instead of sitting on jungkooks lap.

Jungkooks POV

I was getting worried because Taehyung wasn't coming down it's been 45mins now what is taking so long for him...I thought
I turned around and saw that he was standing on the stairs I called him

"Taehyung go make us something to eat Lisa must be hungry "

"why can't you make at you own and leave me alone shes your girlfriend afterall" he argued back but I could see that he was getting jealoused

"Did I married you so that yoU COULD ARGUE WITH ME!! ??!! "


I stood up and went to him and....

Taehyungs POV

I kept my head low OMG why do I shouted like that to him my God what will he do I was panicking cause he stood up and was coming towards me the moment I looked up I felt a Sting at right my cheek and I knew I was slapped by him really hard he was fuming in anger that I could see in his eyes I am really afraid and the next moment he went to Lisa and held her wrist and pulled her towards the exit like this just happen within seconds now I was afraid... The next moment the Door was slammed shut I whimpered and sat on the carpet and cried and cried untill my eyes gave up I was a crying mess I could feel that my cheek was cut and blood dripped on my shirt I remembered he wore the ring that had a really sharp metal.. I really truly love him why do I always end up getting hurt..

Jungkooks POV

"How could he shout on you jungkook no body ever does he's such a unmannered guy "said lisa

"I know right I am just thinking what should I do to him he's such an umannered guy right! "

"You should probably teach him lesson Jungkook nobody ever shouts on you... You should do something that he will remember through out his life that.. That's what he deserves for shouting at you kookie"

"Yeah probably "I said

Taehyungs POV

I woke up after which felt like hours I had a back pain I opened my eyes and realized that I slept while crying for hours... I quickly went to the kitchen and saw that the time was 3pm holy shoot I slept for the second time that day I remembered I haven't even had a breakfast and my stomach started making sounds .. I seriously was in a need to eat something I quickly make some ramen I quickly ate that and went upstairs to take my phone from Jungkooks drawer but my luck wasn't working there was no key so went downstairs and started watching television watching something randomly.... It felt like hours holy shit I was watching TV for 4 hours and it was 8pm I went to the kitchen cause I didn't wanted to get hitted by jungkook the moment he arrives so I started preparing something that was easy and tasty at the same time... I prepared the dish it took me fcking 2hrs to make it... It was 10pm when I felt someone on my back the moment I could turn back the person backhugged me and said

"Taehyung Let's have sex"

"J-Jungk-kook wha-tt? "


So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter probably gonna post a new one soon to stay updated to find out what happens next I just hope you guys are truly loving this.... I love you guys and eat healthy and stay healthy.... Till then borahae~💜💜💜💜💜💜💞💞💞💞💞💜💜💜💜💞💞💜💞💜💜💞💜💞💜💜💞💞💜💞💜💞💜💜💜💞💜💞💜💞

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