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"You fat as shit, get off me Ty." I frowned up my face, this bitch acting like I'm still not cripple.

She sucked her teeth, "fuck you Kai." She stood up and pulled out a wedgie then waddled off to converse with these mfers.

If we being honest I wasn't feeling this, all this people.. in this little ass place. Its hotter den a hoe.

Only good thing about this shit was that I was having a son.. my lul nigga gon be fresh out da womb.

"Wassup bitch, its almost that time," Murph spoke up dapping me up.

"It def is, just waiting on you and AJ to get right.. I need a niece or a nephew from yall." I smiled, shaking my head.

Murph's facial expression changed and he just shook his head, "nah .. she onnat with Bam so I'm good." He shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell sum was wrong.

"You miss her?" I questioned, looking at everyone around us partying and dancing, laughing and shit. This shit was cool, but I just wished Benji was here to celebrate with us. Its been 3 months and I'm still struggling with that shit everyday. Only good thing is the fact that Samora carrying his seed.

"Honestly.. yeah I do but I just don't feel like wasting my time no more. We get into all this and she go back to that nigga? Like I beat dudes ass for her, could've killed him ... it just don't make sense." He responded, shrugging his shoulders.

My boy was struggling, I could tell he wanted to make shit right with her .. but it seems like thats impossible.. she just won't act right.

"Its gon be aight bro.. hopefully she get her shit together cause I know you fw her." I explained, standing up so that I could get sum to eat.

"I'm a fuck with you," I told Murph as I used my crutches to help me get over to the food.

I hope my legs start working on they own again, 100%.



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"Lemme guess, team boy?" I heard a voice and looked up seeing that it was Ajour.

I contemplated on whether or not I wanted to speak to her, its been months and I honestly ain't have shit to say to her.

"Shouldn't you be worried about what you and Bam got goin on?" I questioned as I slurped up some spaghetti salad.

"Why you doin me like that?" She said.

I smacked my lips and sat my plate down, "doing you like what? Dissing you, ignoring your calls, laying up with some nigga that beat your ass? Hm.. lemme think, thats you. I ain't did nun but try and be a good dude to you, but nah you showed a nigga what you wanted.. and I'm cool with that." I explained, feeling some weight lifted off my shoulders.

I ain't gon cap, I definitely was hurt.. but ain't shit I could do about that.

"You never told me you had a child on the way, I was hurt Amyer."

"So what, you go and sleep with the enemy? How you sound cuh, fuck out my face Ajour. We done, Ion want nun to do with you." I shrugged and I could see her wiping her face .. but I didn't care, Ain't give af about my feelings so fuck hers.

Standing to my feet, I grabbed my plate and my grape soda before walking off.

I ain't need that shit, I been good.


"Bro tell me wh-." Before I could finish my sentence, a bunch of gunshots went off.

My first instinct was to find AJ, but with everybody scrambling and running I couldn't find her.

I yelled at Kai, as I ran over to what I seen was going on.

I couldn't find nobody and this shit was fucking with me.

If I lost my sisters, AJ or my baby mama.. I'm raising hell.

"AYMER HELP!" I looked up and seen AJ bent down and her hands was bloody.

I instantly panicked and went to her side, seeing she was hovering over Samora. I noticed blood and my first thought was the baby, nah.

I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance.

All we could do is pray and hope for the best.

I just hoped Samora and Benji's unborn make it.

Her too, I can't keep losing my people.

I'm Horrible, I Know. 💀
They Might Die, Ion Know Yet.
Might Be A Major Time Jump Too.
Like A Year.. Cause Ion Feel Like Dragging The Story.

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