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Busan, South Korea

The sun was still up as the night market was opening. What a weird sight...

At once, the air in the Witch Bazaar was still, and then a girl was sprinting through the narrow paths, and it seemed as if the wind itself was chasing her.

Stalls were overturned, witches were screaming at the brat that dared to disturb them, some even yelled curses.

That brat was me.

And I was running from the High Witch of Busan and her homophobic ass agenda.

And so I kept on going as fast as I could, hoping the potion would numb me enough for my legs to run for longer and faster than her wind could track me. I needed to get out of Busan, hell I needed to get out of the country if I don't want to wind up dead in a few hours.

I got on to the 지하철 마법의 or Magical Metro and waited, and waited, and waited... until my train to Seoul pulled up to my station, and as I was getting into the cart I felt the air stand still again. I got in an empty wagon thankfully, because I crumbled to the ground not even an instant after the doors closed behind me.

She knew where I was going and all the way to Seoul I had the feeling I was already dead, suffocating from panic until the closest stop to the airport came up.

And at that moment I needed to get myself out of the train... but it wouldn't stop... panic came up inside my throat again, but this time, my fight or flight response wasn't kicking in. My shaky arms started tracing with fire sigils on the cart but I was not registering it fully with my brain, all I could do is pray to my Goddess and hope she will be on my side in this fight.

"Goddess, guide me to safety or at least where I stand a chance at surviving. I am a coward, but an honest one... I don't want to die..."

The empty train cart disappeared and was suddenly more aware of my body moving, but my vision was pitch black, my hands were drawing out sigils I had never know existed, and then I was running through the fluorescent lights of Seoul, heading to the Airport.

I go up to the front desk and ask for a ticket to Europe, the US will be the first place the witches will look for me, because they know I would not be foolish enough to go into uncharted territory, and unfriendly Covens. "The first one I can get on, money doesn't matter." I plead.

"Prague, Czech Republic in 30 minutes, " the cashier said. "1,373,556.50 won or do you want to pay in American Dollars?"

"Dollars, please," I said.


I plugged in my magical debit card, hoping I have enough from selling all of my ready potions to a competitive vendor to make this sudden trip. It paid and I was on my way to security, miraging my bag where I carried everything I currently owned: my USB Book of Shadows, my ID and passport, wand and some miscellaneous quick fix potion pre-mixes.

Everything became a blur after that... my magic was demanding payback... payback I could not give... and it consumed me and took over, and I was no longer aware of my actions.

The 12-hour flight was not helping it at all, at some point, my body completely gave out and I had the deepest sleep I have ever slept. My physical strength was depleted, and so the magic could not feed off of it.

So instead it strangled me from recovery until the debt was paid.

And I woke up only when it finished taking its share of my lifeline, panicked.

Any criticism towards how I translate Korean please tell me because I am quite a beginner in Hangul, as well as anything else about my story. I know that these chapters are going to be quite short sometimes, but please be patient as I get the hang of Wattpad.

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Have a nice day everyone.

(Updates Daily)

Chae-yong and The Witch BazaarWhere stories live. Discover now