Charlie's Idea

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Alastor's POV
Lunch has passed and Charlie's going on about some idea she had. She's going to bring all of us up to what will soon be called the 'hangout area,' where she'll explain what's on her mind. I asked her why she doesn't just tell us now, but of course, all she said is that I'll have to wait and see. Angel is sucking on one of those Popsie things... I'm not sure why. We just ate. I do believe he truly gets pleasure out of that. Disgusting. At least he's kept the deal so far.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what Charlie puts together. This group is something, possibly the most entertained I've been in a while.

Suddenly Angel walked up to me, still with the Popsie in his mouth. He took it out and grinned at me, I do enjoy that smile of his. Of course, I enjoy it when anyone smiles, but Angel in particular has a beautiful one.
"Waddya think Charlie's planning?" He said as he leaned against the wall next to me and looked over at Charlie and Vaggie. "I'm not sure. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" I said. Angel nodded, then looked back at me, taking the popsicle out of his mouth. He almost had a sad expression. "I guess we won't really have the opportunity to talk tonight, in private anyway," he said. I looked up at him. "That's fine. We can talk as much as you like tomorrow night after we're done working for the day," I said. Angel gave a very similar grin to what I saw him give in the hall earlier when he said "thank you." That sincere grin, one that screams 'happy.' I blushed very lightly, turning my head away. "I have a feeling Charlie is planning something along the lines of what I said this morning, about getting to know everyone. I see she brought Niffty down here as well," I said. Angel seemed to notice the blush and the sudden subject change back to Charlie because when I looked back at him he was smirking.

"You'd better not be thinking about flirting, we made a deal," I said. He laughed a little and shook his head lightly. "Oh no babe, wasn't thinking about flirting. If I want to keep my friendship with you- or whatever you consider our relationship to be I'll make sure to stay inside my lines," he said. I flinched when he called me by that name. "Did you just-" I stared at him. He snickered a bit more. "You're pushing it, Angel," I said as I squinted a little, still with a light blush on my face. He just nodded. "And if you'd like to know what I consider our relationship to be, I'd say acquaintance," I said. His grin faded a little as I said that. "Oh come on, you don't even consider us friends yet?" he said sadly. I shook my head and looked ahead of me, not in his direction. "Well in my book you're my friend whether you want to be or not. You don't have to look at us that way, but, honestly, you're one of the nicest people I've met by my standards." He crossed his arms. I wasn't expecting that. He gave a real compliment? Angel? I looked at him, my blush deepened very slightly and for a moment I was just quiet. "Very well then." I looked down at nothing in particular as I could feel Angel's stare down at me. Before I could stop him he gave me a light kiss on the head and strutted off. I could feel my face heat up as I stared at him.


Oh shit. They saw that.

I turned my head away and held up my hand to cover my face as I heard them all reacting to the kiss Angel placed on my head, which, by the way, almost broke the deal Angel and I have. I'll let it slide. One time.
"You two are so cute!!" Niffty said as she bounced up and down repeatedly. Angel looked fairly content with what he just started. Husk was laughing. Of course. I told him he was allowed to tell no one of any feelings I may have towards Angel so he sits back and enjoys the show. I can't say I blame him.
Charlie was walking over. "Aww Al!" she squeaked. I put my ears down. She was giggling a bit as I continued looking away and holding my hands to my face. She walked around me so that she could see my face and raised a brow, her expression very smug. My face was flustered and I gave her a struggling grin as she took my arm and pulled my hand away from my head. She pulled me over towards the group as I groaned. Every one of them was looking at me with a suggestive expression. Normally I wouldn't mind the attention, but I undoubtedly hate this kind. I slowly put my ears back up and Charlie directed everyone's attention back to herself as she asked us to follow her.

Thank goodness.

I waited till they had all gone in front of me, although Angel walked toward me instead of the group. He took my hand and pulled me next to him, a smirk on his face the entire time. I don't think I've ever blushed this much before. This spider is going to be the death of me.
...and just because he's taller than me does not mean I'm the submissive.

3rd person
Charlie led them all up to a large meeting room, one with a long table in the center and many chairs. She had them sit down as if it was a meeting and started to explain her idea. "So, I was thinking about what Alastor said earlier, and I figured this could be where we all stayed for the night!" she said. Niffty climbed on top of the table. "Sleepover!" She bounced up and down. Charlie nodded. "Exactly!" Husk shrugged. Vaggie wanted Charlie to feel happy about her plan, so she simply nodded, even though she wasn't looking forward to staying in a room with the boys. It was going to be chaotic.

Angel took it as a one-way ticket to an opportunity to sleep in the same room as Alastor. "Yes, 100 times yes." He leaned back in his chair and stretched with a grin on his face. Charlie's face had a huge smile as she turned to Alastor, wanting to know what he thought. He had never heard the term "sleep-over" before. "Sleep? Over? I'm afraid I've never heard of it," he said. Vaggie slammed her hand on the table. "You don't know what a sleepover is?!" she yelled. Even Angel was surprised. Alastor shook his head. Niffty ran around the table then up to Alastor, practically in his face.

"Usuallyit'swhenyousleepoveratafriend'shouseandyouplaygamesandhavefunanddon'treallygetalotofsleepandyoueatyummythingsbutwhatCharlieissayingisthatwecanallsleepinhereforthenightandhaveaPARTY!" She inhaled and sat down where she was. Alastor gave Niffty a concerned smile and looked back at Charlie. "So you're saying we'll all sleep here for the night and play games," he said as he raised a brow. Charlie giggled. Angel leaned back in his chair. "Hell yeah! We can play board games and goof off the whole night!" he said. Alastor tilted his head, resting it in his hand, and looked at Angel. "It sounds chaotic. Let's do it," he said. Angel raised his hands up in excitement, forgetting to hold onto the table and falling back in his chair. "Yeah!!!" he yelled from the floor. Alastor burst out into laughter and rested his head on the table. Angel and the others laughed with him.

"I haven't laughed that hard in ages... my goodness." Alastor took off his monocle and wiped his eyes of tears. Angel had picked up his chair and sat back down at the table, watching Alastor. "I didn't think you could laugh that hard," Angel said. Alastor raised a brow while putting his monocle back on. "Why is that?" he asked. Angel tapped his foot. "Well, 'cuz you've never really shown that much emotion, and you're so proper all the time," he said. Alastor rolled his eyes and sighed. "I think it's alright to let loose once in a while," he said. Charlie smiled. "I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable here, Al." She smiled at him. Alastor sat up. "I am, thank you." They all looked around the table at each other before Niffty suddenly jumped up with excitement. "Come on, let's set the room up!!" She immediately began running around and cleaning things as the others got up to help move the table.


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