The Asari and Thessia.

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The rest of the evening of the party went past with a blur, instead of calming the drinks down, everyone started to drink again to celebrate, they went on until 3 am. Shepard was the last man standing and was cleaning up as she wasn't tired, Garrus realised he was alone in the bed so he dragged her to bed with her protesting, but he never intended on sleeping.

The rest of the crew were planted around the apartment, there weren't many beds so the sofa's had been occupied. Gemma woke up with her leg and arm hanging off the bed, she tried to sit up but felt a heavyweight holding her down. Kaidan was practically lying over her, she turned over and Kaidan moved more of his weight on her. She didn't want to wake him, but her bladder was forcing her to. "Kaidan?" she called.

He didn't move but replied with a deep, groaning voice, Gemma started to push him to the side. "Ugh, what?" He started to get up and turn around on his side to face Gemma, "my head is killing me. What happened last night?"

Gemma giggled to herself, "I'm not sure." She climbed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. "I know you and Garrus started doing shots, we had to stop him from drinking the vodka before it killed him, he was pretty out of it, then I found you eating all the chocolates." She stood in the doorway whilst she wiped her hands with the towel, Kaidan sat up.

"That was probably why I could hardly move with the stomach ache I had, how do you look so awake?" Gemma placed the towel back down and sat at the end of the bed.

"How are you not awake? Shouldn't your biotics help with the hangover?" Kaidan placed his head in his hands, "you're struggling, aren't you?" Gemma climbed over to him on her hands and knees, sitting up to face him.

Kaidan didn't reply, he just nodded, the migraine was slowly creeping upon him. Gemma moved his hand down and placed both of her thumbs on his temples, she could feel the low buzz of his implant, she sat there for a minute and massaged his temple, he groaned when she pushed a little too hard on the right side of his head. "Does it hurt the most there?" He nodded, "okay give me a minute." Gemma wanted to see if she could ease the pain, the same she did for Thane.

She put both index fingers on his temple and closed her eyes to concentrate, Kaidan could feel a cold sensation on his head. He opened his eyes to see a blue light flowing down Gemma's arms, he looked at her in confusion. "Just let me try something," she whispered.

Gemma pushed her fingers in a little more and then she picked up the thumping of what must be his migraine since Kaidan had previously described them as a thumping sensation. She sent a little shot of her biotics through his head, he flinched slightly but instantly felt relaxed. "Did it work?" she asked, partly excited to see if she had gotten rid of it.

Kaidan looked up and smiled, "alot." He pulled her hands down from his head and kissed them. "Thank you." Gemma leaned in and gave a leisurely kiss, it didn't last long before the smell of bacon hit Gemma's noise, she felt as if she could float towards the smell. "Are you hungry?" Kaidan asked with a chuckle as he watched her lips water.

"I'm starving." Gemma started to climb out of bed, Kaidan decided to grab a shower first, he still felt a little sick from all the chocolate last night. Gemma jogged to the kitchen, Vega already had a plate out for her, piled high with eggs, toast and bacon. "Good morning," Gemma said as she sat at the breakfast bar.

James, Cortez, Wrex were in the kitchen as well, Wrex was eating some sort of Varren meat and grumbling at the smell of human food. "Morning, Gemma, you sleep well?" Cortez asked, James was calling out to people who might want some eggs.

"Not bad, just hungry. Where is everyone else?" She took the first bite of her breakfast and hummed to the sweet taste of the eggs, she then remembered her last meal with her parents, which she never actually ate: eggs and bacon. She held back the tears, she needed to talk to Edi privately when they were back at the ship.

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