••Chapter 1••

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*Author pov*
While Hermione,Ron,and Harry were waiting for the train to Hogwarts, they were busy talking while waiting.
"So what have guys doing during the summer?" Mione ask. "Good, except when I got in trouble" Ron said, mad cause he got in trouble. Mione chuckled "Oh Ronald" " How was summer for you harry?" Mione asked." I honestly wished I could of been at Ron's. The Dersley's were the same as always" Harry sighs. "Oh, sorry Harry.." Mione said a little sadly, "Yeah mate", sorry.." Ron said. Harry smiled, feeling cared for since the Dersley's never cared for him," It's fine guys, I'm used to it" Harry said,smiling so his    friends stop worrying about him. "If you say so mate...Anyways I got to use the bathroom" Ron said. " Ok just be back in 10/18 minutes" Mione said, "  Ok,mom" said Ron sarcastically.
"Oh shut it Ronald!" Mione said getting    annoyed, Harry chuckled, so did Ron.

  Ron's pov

As I was done using the washroom I notice 3 familiar people while i was walking back to the others but I couldn't recognize the other one

Me:oh I wonder who could that be???🤔🤔
Mione: You're not supposed to be talking😒
Mione:😑😑😑 *sighs and walks back to her place*
Me:*Sighs in relieved*😧
Me again: anyways back to the story🙂😅

  She had long dark brown hair that was dyed with green hair color, she had dark brown skin and eyes and she had a eye patch on?? I wonder what's underneath the eye patch... anyways she looked she was wearing a uniform, ugh I can't see what the tie she wearing though. Im honesty curious, what is her name... Oh well I'll find out later but right now I should probably get back now...
Or Mione will kill me....😵

Im so sorry I put a cliffhanger, I just didn't want to write anymore...😟sorry..but I'll post later so yeah(that's if I don't forget) anyways sorry if there're mistakes😓 and that it wasn't long but I'll promise I'll make it longer😊again so sorry😟

Question. What's your favorite song?

started with "Wanna be friends?" Original? DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now