Chapter 8

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Hey guys sorry that I haven't been posting but I'm posting now soo yeah, oh and ik I said Connie was in Ravenclaw buuttt I changed my mind she is in Slytherin now cause of reasons and someone suggusted it and I think it's a great idea so yeah, anyways enjoy the story!

* With the ST *

" So when are we going to make a truce with the Gryffindorks?" Pansy asked " Pansy as much as I would love to call them dorks It's pretty obvious
they won't like at all so of course there will be rules to follow for us and for them" Draco said ( I forgot to say, Blaise isn't with them ) " Remind me why were making a truce with them?" Pansy asked. " As much as I love Blaise it just he won't shut up about Weasley last night *sighs* now I know how Ash feels.. Anyways we're doing it for blaise. " Draco said

* What happen last night *

" And he's just so adorbale with his freckles and his red hair and those gorgeous eyes,I could stare at them all night and all day.." Blaise said "hm..." Draco said while reading a book " And the way he's plays with his feather pen when he's bored" Blaise said " I'm trying to read here. " Draco said. " Well it's your fault, you agreed to listen to me." Blaise said " Yeah well you've been going at it for 3 hours now. Honestly how does Ash deals with this?!" Draco said. " She was ok with it at first but then she started to get annoyed with it, she just accepts it now and she makes fun a me.." Blaise said.

And let's end the flash back and get on with the story

* With the ST still *

" Anyways we should get to the hall, Blaise is waiting there for us, oh and we'll do the truce tonight." Draco said " Alri-." said Pansy before bumping into someone " Oh sorry Parkinson" said Connie " It's alright but I told you to call me Pansy." Pansy said " Right sorry old habbit." Connie said. " You say sorry a lot." Pansy said " Well unlike you I have a Hufflepuff dad." Connie said " Anyways I have to go to the washroom bye Pansy, bye Draco!" Connie said. " Well since that is done, we should get going." Draco said " Ok." Pansy said.

* with the GT *

( There at the hall ) " So Harry did you finshed your homework for Charms?" Hermione asked while grabbing her cup " Yeah." Harry said " What abo- Ron stop shoving food in your mouth for merlins sake!" Harmione said " A-alright fine" said Ron who was still chewing food " Your so gross." Hermione said
" Umm mind if we speak with you guys.." someone said " Yeah su- MALFOY!?" Harry yelled which made Draco flinch. " Anyways we would like a truce but not right now, if you guys do want to do a truce we'll meet at the room of requirements after dinner around 8pm." Pansy said " We're sorry to disterb you while you guys are eating, we'll be on are way now." Blaise said while pulling Malfoy and Parkinson back to the Slytherin table. After they left we were suprised about what happen that we were silent for a minute and we didn't move. " W-what just h-happen...?" Ron asked who still had a suprised look on his face " So that was what he wanted..." Harry whisper but Mione and Ron could still hear it " What do you mean by That was what he wanted" Ron said " I didn't know what he wanted in the deal all he said was that I was going to find out soon, I didn't know it was going to be so soon though.." Harry said. " Mate you do realize he could have wanted to beaten you up!!" Ron said " Yeah but he didn't, even if he was going too he couldn't." Harry said " What do you mean by that Harry?" Mione asked " I'll tell you later but for now we need to meet with Luna at the library." Harry said.

Since I made you guys wait for for some time now it's finally happening, anyways on to the story

jk it's a clip hanger!!!! anyways bye have a good day/evening/night!

ok ok I'm joking on to the story

* At the library *

As we were looking for Luna in the library I noticed something * Why did Malfoy flinch when I yelled.... " Yeah sur-MALFOY!?" Harry yelled which made Draco flinch... " Anyways......." * Harry thought. " Harry you listening?" Hermione asked " Huh oh yeah..." Harry said ".....Ok what are you thinking about?" Hermione said " Uhh it just... why did Malfoy flinch when I yelled?" Harry said " Hmm I think it's because of his father, I mean it makes sense." Hermione said " Ok but what about his mother?" Ron said. " Harry didn't you say that if it weren't for Malfoy's mother you wouldn't be able to defeat Voldemort and that she asked if Malfoy was alive." Hermione said " Yeah." Harry said " Hello guys" Luna said while putting a book back " Oh sorry that I interrpeted you guys" Luna said " No it's fine Luna" Hermione said " Anyways let's go over there." Luna said while pointing at the back of the library " No one goes over there so it be better to talk over there" Luna said " Alright" Harry said. There at the back of the library. " So if I recalled you're wondering about Melody's life even though it's really none of your business" Luna said " Ok when you put it that way it makes it sound like we're creeps.." Harry said " Not we're you mean you're!" Ron said " Yeah yeah let's just forget that.." Harry said " Alright then if you truely want to know Melody's life then......." Luna said " All I know is that her parents aren't treating her right and that she's being bullied by some students well mostly Goyle and Crabbe, she mention that Draco, Pansy, and Blaise used to bully her too but they don't anymore. They even said sorry to her." Luna said. " Wait hold on did you just call them by there first name?! and THEY APOLOGIZE to someone who isn't even in the same house as them?! hell I don't think they would even apologize to there own house!" said Ron " You know Ron you shouldn't judge someone on what house there in." Luna said. " May I ask when did they apologize to Melody? Hermione asked " Well she said that Draco apologized after she saved his life during war and that the other two apologized after the war was over" Luna said " I sort of get why Malfoy but why the other two?" Harry asked " Well it turns out when she got there there were some of them were injured badly, Pansy and Blaise were one of them so Melody healed them." Luna said " Ok but how did she get in?" Hermione asked " They weren't in the common room they were outside of it." Luna said. " Ok but how did Melody get the scar on her eye?" Ron asked " Oh she got it during the war when she was saving Draco from some student" Luna said " Wait some student!!?" Hermione asked. " Yeah I guess they were mad at him" luna said " Who wouldn't be.." Ron whispered " She didn't....... kill them right...?" Hermione " No no she just knocked them out and brought them somewhere safe so they wouldn't get more injuries" Luna said. " Wait she injured them..." Hermione said " Well she said that they were really strong so she had no choice, she didn't injure them badly though only some cuts, she used a sleeping spell on them to take them to a safe place" Luna said. " Ok but back to Melody's parent, what do they do to her?" Ron asked " All she said was that the reason why they treat her so bad was beacuse-" Luna said before someone interrupted her " Are you talking about the Phantoms?" Draco said " What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione asked. " Well nothing really all I want is why are you talking about someone's life when you should really be staying out of it." Draco said " Were only doing this to help Melody" Hermione said " oh alright if you must know why then. The reason why me. Pansy and Blaise and others bullied her was because her parents were Slytherins and once they found out Melody was put in Hufflepuff well let's just say they weren't happy about that, so they would....... h-hurt her......... I didn't know they were hurting her until she saved my life...." Draco said looking away " H-how did you find out..?" Hermione said " She needed my help to put the person who tried killing me somewhere safe, once we found a place for her she took off her shirt and she covered her up so she wouldn't get cold..... once I looked at Melody......... she had cuts and bruises everywhere on her, some of the cuts were.......done by her..... and some were bleeding cause of the fight she had with the girl........ she looked like she was about to pass out but she told me to not tell anyone.............. I don't know why I listen but................. I did" Draco said.

Ok ok I'm sorry but I can't write anymore!! I'm too lazy ok but now you know more about Melody now..... yes ik her parents are aholes. Anyways I'm sorry that I took so long on writing this but it was hard writing this it's legit 1615 words!!

Anyways thank you soo much for over 600 reads!! it means so much to me really thank you ^W^ anyways bye and have a good day/evening/night!!

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