••Chapter 6••

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Ok if you're reading chapter 4 then skip this chapter then come back I messed up so sorry..

At Hogwarts

* Draco's pov *

After class me and Pansy, and Blaise were walking to our other class,Potions. We ( mainly Me ) bumped into none other then Pottah and his friends. " watch it you git" Ron said " Oh Shut up Weasley" pansy spat. °oh shot I forgot° " Shut it Parkinson" Hermione said " Let's just go Pansy" I said " But Dray-" " Remember" I said " Oh right" Pansy said realizing what I meant. " Let's just go or we'll be late for potions" Blaise said who was blushing a bit but luckily the gold trio didn't noticed. After we were far enough where the golden trio were not in sight I said " You know Blaise you were so good at not showing your love for the Weasley but now it just obvious" teasing him " Shut up" Blaise said who was blushing even more. " Hey guys what's going on here?" Ash said walking towards us. " Oh nothing besides Dray teasing Blaise over his crush on Weasley" Pansy said while smirking " Oh really" Ash said smiling " Will you guys please shut up" Blaise said who was now red. " Oh alright Blaise we'll stop" said Draco " Now let's talk about your crushes on Potter and Granger" Said Ash " Please don't!" Said Draco and Pansy " Come on we tease Blaise about his crush so we get to tease you guys about your crushes" Ash said " I'm curious when did you guys start crushing on Potter and Granger?" Ash asked " Since fifth year" Blaise said. " When did you start liking Weasley?" Draco asked " Yeah I'm curious when did you?" Pansy also ask " Since third year" ash said. " Wow you kept that a secret for four years!?".Draco and Pansy yelled " would you keep it down!" Blaise whisper/sort of yelled " Sorry Blaise.." Pansy said. " Anyways We should get going we don't want to be late for Potions" Draco said.

*the golden trio*

"Bloody hell they're such gits!" Ron yelled " Yeah yeah but what did Malfoy mean by remember??" Hermione said curious about it. " Oh I forgot to tell you guys, umm you see me and Malfoy...... made a deal....." Harry said while rubbing arm. Ron yelled " BLOODY HELL MATE WHY DID YOU MAKE A DEAL WITH MALFOY!?!? OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE, MALFOY!!!!" Sounding angry " the deal was that he and his followers leave us alone!" Harry said. " Ok but what does he get out of it??" Hermione asked " Well...uhhh.." " Just tell us later harry,we need to head to Potions anyways" Hermione said before walking

*After Potions*

After potions we saw Luna skipping Across the hall " Hey guys let's go talk to Luna maybe she knows why Goyle called melody a disgrace" Harry said.
" umm mate by the looks of it, melody seems to not want us to know.." Ron said " And how do you know??" Harry said. " Well the way she acted when I asked her for her last name no one would react like that. And that when Goyle said she is a disgrace..... She didn't even look like she cared and.... it looked like she was used to be calling a disgrace.. and even though we should.. maybe we shouldn't do it.." Ron said. " Ok but you've seen that scar on her face if she's getting hurt at home or by kids here then we should stop it." Harry said

*swear warning*

Me: ok umm ik I should of put this in the description but me being a dumba** I forgot. So this is after the war and you'll probably wondering why is Goyle alive well I wanted him to be alive for this so yeah anyways back to the story.

" Harry we defeated voldemort isn't that heroic enough?!" Ron yelled.
" Guys calm down!" Hermione yelled " You both are right about this but stop yelling Merlins sake!" Said/yelled Hermione " Wait what are we right about??"Ron asked. " Merlins Ron your thick" Hermione said while shaking her head " What I mean is your right about respecting her Privacy and Harry's right about the scar" Hermione said. " Fine let's go ask Luna about what happen at the carriages but I honestly think it's a waste of time" Ron said.

Yeah I put a cliffhanger anyways so uhh.. oh yeah since I didn't put what house melodys in cause I don't think I could of so I'll just tell you she's in hufflepuff and if you're wondering the reason why she has green hair is because she's a metamorphmagus I believe Tonks is meta ( plz correct me if I'm wrong I forgot ) Anyways soo yeah. And if you're wondering how Goyle lived is cause of Hermione she saved him from the fire like how Harry and Ron saved Draco and Blaise

Question: what's your favorite animal?

My answer: mines a wolf🐺❤

Anyways Bye and have good day/evening/night 😄🖐🏼👋🏼🖐🏼

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