someone walks in on you two being cute

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requested by @Lukes_hemming5

(courtney's pov)
i was sat on my couch, waiting for y/n. i invited her over earlier for a sort of date...thing? we aren't going out anywhere, we just decided to have a movie night and cuddle. it was currently 5:30pm, and i asked her to be here for about 6ish, so it was still a while until she got here. i decided to go and make some popcorn for the movie and get a few other things to snack on (candy, cotton candy, ice-cream, etc.). i mean, i know it's a lot, but anything for my baby.

i put the popcorn in the microwave and waited for it all to pop. by the time i had finished making the popcorn and putting the other snacks into bowls, it was 5:50. damn, did it really take me that long to do all of that? oh well. for the last 10 minutes i decided to put a bunch of blankets and pillows on the couch to make it seem extra comfy. just as i was placing the last pillow, i heard a knock on my door. i quickly tried to make myself look decent and went over to answer the door.

as i opened it, i was greeted by her huge smile and adorable face.

"hi," she said, with the goofiest yet cutest smile ever.

"hi baby," i said, smiling back at her, "come on in.". she came in and took off her coat. she was wearing one of my hoodies that i gave her to borrow on one of our previous dates, which i thought was so goddamn cute. i decided to make a joke out of it.

"still haven't returned my hoodie, i see?" i said, faking a stern look. she immediately apologised and went to take it off and give it back.

"no, honey, i was only joking, you can keep it. it looks cute on you anyway." i laughed and winked at her, which made her give me an angry look before smiling and laughing with me.

we walked to the could and i sat down. soon after y/n sat next to me and cuddled into my side.

"so, y/n, what do you wanna watch?" i asked her, putting netflix on and passing her the remote.

"ummm...i don't really mind," she said, browsing on the film section until she found one which caught her eye, "oohh! what about jurassic park? i love dinosaurs!" she asked, giving me puppy eyes.

"of course, anything for you angel," i said, smiling at her dorky outburst. she's so fucking adorable it hurts. i gave her a kiss and pulled her closer to me and wrapped some blankets around us. the movie started and we ate some of the popcorn.

after a while, we got bored of eating the popcorn ourselves, so we fed it to each other while we linked our arms together. then, we sat at opposite sides of the couch and threw it at each other, trying to see who could catch the most in their mouth, and i ended up winning, per usual. y/n just rolled her eyes at my smugness and laughed at me.

i sat back down in the middle of the couch, and y/n crawled over to me and sat on my lap, facing the television. i rested my arms around her waist, pulled her back close to my front, and put my head on her shoulder, occasionally kissing her neck. she passed me the bowls every now and then, offering me some of the snacks too, but i let her have most of them. as i keep on saying, anything for my babygirl.

(y/n's pov)
i melted into her arms and just admired the moment. how did i get so lucky with her? like she is one of the best things to ever happen to me.

"i love you" i said and turned my head around enough so i could kiss her. she smiled into the kiss and turned me around on her lap so i sat facing her completely. she put her arms around my neck and i put my hands on her cheeks, deepening the kiss. the background noise from the movie faded out of my mind and it felt like it was only me and her in the whole world in that moment. it all just felt so...right. after what felt like hours, we broke away from the kiss, gasping for air. i rested my forehead on hers and stared into her eyes. we both smiled at each other and went in for another kiss. just as it was about to get somewhere heated (even though it was already pretty heated), i heard someone walk in.

"hey court? i was wondering if i could borr- oh, shit, did i interrupt something?" it sounded like ian's voice. i broke away from the kids and looked at whoever it was with wide eyes. yep, it was ian. i rolled off of her lap and covered my hands with my face. shit, that was embarrassing.

"shit- ian- um...what did you need?" courtney asked, completely avoiding his question.

"i just needed to borrow some stuff for the every blank ever sketch tomorrow, you told me i could get the stuff today and, um, well i rang you a bunch of times and you didn't answer so i assumed your phone was dead or something, and then i knocked on your door a few times, and you didn't answer that i checked the door and it was unlocked so i thought you didn't hear me, so i walked in and...yeah." he explained, slightly shocked at what he almost walked in on.

"oh shit...i forgot, i'm so sorry, my phone must have been on silent too, i'll go grab the stuff now, i'll be back in a sec babe." she said to me, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead before going to her room to grab the things ian needed.

"soo...we're you and courtney about to, well, yeah?" he teasingly asked me, smirking.

"shut uppp..." i said, going red again and removing my hands from my face, "and perhaps we were, i won't let your pervy ass know though." i said, smirking back at him.

"aww man, i missed out on an epic porno." he said, laughing. that made me go wide-eyed and scoff at him jokingly.

"ian! you perv!" i laughed. he laughed with me before saying, "what can i say? y'all know i'm the bIgGeSt pErV oUt tHeRe,".

i laughed harder at his reply and courtney came back, holding the stuff and giving us weird looks.

"did i miss out on some funny shit?" she asked, smiling.

"basically ian asked if we were about to...yeah...and i said i wouldn't tell his pervy ass, and then he said he missed out on an 'epic porno'" i told her, which made her laugh and slap him playfully. she gave him the stuff for the sketch for the next day, and told him, and i quote, 'now get your pervy ass out of here before you get a boner or some shit,', which he just replied with 'i'm not that pervy court!'.

he then left, not before saying, "you two make an adorable couple by the way, and i won't tell anyone i almost walked in on y'all, just make sure to lock your door next time and answer the goddamn phone, you could have saved my iNnOcEnT eyes from that,". courtney and i just laughed. after he has completely gone, she walked back over to me and cuddled into my side and kissed me again. at this point, the movie has finished a long time ago and i let courtney pick a random one to play in the background while me and her just talked about anything and everything.

"oh, by the way babe, i love you too," she said, flashing her trademark smile at me and giving me an eskimo kiss.

(a/n: i hope you liked this one :))
this is probably one of my favourite ones i've written so far and i actually kinda like it😂
as i said before, if anyone has any requests, i'd be happy to do them (as i did this one). i'll see you all in the next chapter!
word count: 1409 words.

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