Chapter Seven

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Shinwa set a plate in front of Seokjin as he sat at the younger male's counter. He began eating.

"Wow, this is good." Seokjin smiled at the younger male.

"You really like it?" He gave a shy smile while twiddling his fingers.

Seokjin nodded. "Yes, the pancakes are nice and fluffy." His cell phone rang. "Hey Eomma, what's up?"

"Are you working at the studio today?"

"Yes, I'll be there around two. Why?"

"I'm gonna send Gisu over there, I'm going to make some food for you and your band."

"Ah Eomma, thank you! We'll definitely appreciate it."

"Great, love you, honey."

"Love you too." He hung up and saw Shinwa smiling at him.

"Are you close to your mother?"

He nodded. "Yeah, we're very close." He answered as he went back to eating.

"What about the rest of your family? Are you close to them as well?"

He nodded. "My dad and I had a little turbulence when I revealed I was gay but once we got over that we've been very close. My older brother and I always talk on the phone, we used to hang out often but he's busy now with work and raising his son, so I see him when I can. My little brother, you'll see him later tonight, he's gonna bring some food my mom made for us but he's my heart. I love we're so close."

"Is your family coming to the concert?"

"Yup, front row, and center." He sighed. "I always get more nervous when I'm doing a show in front of my family." he shook his head. "I don't know why but for me it's harder to perform in front of those I care about." Seokjin looked down at the plate, his mind started going towards Taehyung.

"What about your husband? Is he and his family coming?"

"Yeah, his family always comes to my shows." He cleared his throat.

Shinwa nodded. "Are you close with his family?"

"I am, they're like a second family to me. My dad and his dad were college friends. I never thought I would fall for him so hard." He took a breath.

Shinwa saw Seokjin's sad expression and placed his hand over his. Seokjin looked at him. "Are you sad about what happened?"

"It hurts because I just don't know. I want to believe him but seeing him at a hotel just made me fume with so much anger."

"What was he trying to show you in the car?"

He shrugged. "He said someone left post-its on his car that had V and his deceased friend written on it."

"But there was nothing on the car."

"I know. Maybe I should've been more patient and listened to him."

"You need a stress reliever."

Seokjin looked at him.

"I got just the thing." He went into his closet and pulled out a folded massage table. "Here, get on." He grabbed some oils. "I used to go to school for massage therapy. I wanted to be a physical therapist before changing my mind."

"Interesting." He got removed his shirt and laid on the table. He closed his eyes as Shinwa massaged his back.

His mind was screaming what the hell he was doing but a massage wasn't inappropriate, was it? His mind got lost at the thought of Taehyung. Was he really at the hotel because he was spooked? But nothing made sense to him. What was he to believe? Or maybe he felt a sense of guilt because of how close he had been with Shinwa. He was pretty confident if his husband saw this, he wouldn't be happy. This was enough, he had to put some distance between him and Shinwa before he found himself in a situation he didn't want to be in.

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