The awaited party

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The day of the party......

Everyone is busy preparing for the ball and the people decorating their houses with pink lanterns and the streets with small triangular banners. The stalls is very lively people are out the streets finding what they need for the party. Cloud was in his room with Barret while aerith and Zack was in the other room where Tifa use to be. Cloud sigh in the thought of Tifa. Hoping he could see her again and explain everything now knowing that his one sided love was really reciprocated. since when they were young their promise at the tower. the way Tifa treat him better back then. The way she cared. The way she looked at him with those reddish brown eyes. Everything they been through until the reunion. The way when she cried and hug her to ease her pain. He decided he want Tifa back and he stand up and get his clothes from the cupboard and change into it before heading down stairs waiting for the two Love birds. Cloud was dress in a simple black suit with matching white polo shirt as the inner and black slack pants that match up with his suit and a black leather shoes. He waited at the lobby then the sound of giggling aerith with Zack holding her hands leading her down the stairs she wears a red dress that have same design on what she wears from the wall market with black linings and the attire match up with Zack that wearing a black suit but the inner is a red one. With matching black slacks and dark brown leather shoes. "Cloud are you ready to go?" Aerith ask cloud while holding Zacks hand. "Yeah..." he mutters. "You look good on that I bet Tifa will like you wearing that suit" Zack commented on clouds appearance. With that he nodded and they headed to the palace. The way to the palace was very well pack up with people. There's different types of dresses and suits that indeed ready for the said party. They walk at the entrance aerith was mesmerized by the design of the place it was indeed beautiful and then they were lead to the ball room the party will start at dinner so they can roam around the palace they can visit the gardens which the palace have 3 gardens the white and yellow lilies which aerith used to sell. The blue rose garden, and the red rose garden that filled only with red roses. It was large indeed aerith and Zack decide to go at the white and yellow lily garden to the west side door of the ball room hall. Leaving cloud there looking at the entrance for a raven beauty. And after some hours he decided to go to the east side of the ballroom hall which leads to the red rose garden. The smell of the roses filled his nose it was indeed intoxicating and he continued to walk until he reach the rose pavilion he was stunned on what he saw. It was a girl with a raven hair that tied up in a messy bun and some hairs that sticking out to her beautiful face and the ruby set accessories as her head dress and the necklace and earrings match up with her porcelain skin. The off shoulder dress that shows how beautiful and smooth her skin is and the gown that she wears was a white one with red frills down to cover her ankles. The girl was holding a book on a chair and she was in a deep slumber not knowing the blond was studying her features. He was thinking whether he saw this raven haired beauty before. And a thought struck him. It was Tifa Lockhart the girl that he's been looking for. Since that revelation night talk with aerith. He try to approach her and kneel down in front of her and he try to touch her face and put some strands of her hair at the back of her ears. "Tifa...." He mutters as he look at her so loving features. Tifa started to stir and knit her eyebrows who the hell try to wake her up in her peaceful slumber. She open her eyes slowly. Then she saw a very beautiful and familiar mako blue eyes that only one person she knows have and the person she loves and the one who break her eyes. The mako blue eyes meet the reddish brown eyes and they just stared for a couple of minutes then. It suddenly registered to her the mako blue eyes and the blonde haired was indeed cloud. A Pang of hurt flash to her eyes as she try to stand up immediately but been prevented by cloud to do so he pin his arms in both sides of the chair and now looking down to Tifa in eye. "What are you doing here?" Tifa questions him in an irritating look. "I was looking for you..." cloud answer and not leaving her eyes. "Well now you see me then you can go." Tifa said in a sarcastic tone. "Teef... I'm sorry" cloud begs for apology. "What's done is done and we can't do anything about it anymore" Tifa said in a Huff she try to avoid cloud eyes and she try to push cloud hands away from the chair and stand up but failed as she step on her gown and waiting to fall down to the floor but a strong arms catch her. The arms was now holding her into an embrace. If someone will see them now everyone will thing that they are dancing. She try to push him away but his grip on her was very strong. Cloud miss how she smells and miss to hold her like that. There are so many times that they have body contact during the battles of saving her. And he miss it all. All of her. "Teef..." cloud begging her to look at him. "Cloud, you can let go of me now." Tifa said in a disappointed tone. "No, I won't not this time." Cloud said in a serious tone. "Your still stubborn as ever cloud" Tifa try to regain her composure touching her head like it was a mistake. Cloud still hold her tightly. "I'm always like that." Cloud said as he smirked at her. Try to lean closer the she could feel his breath to his face he whispered. "Youre so beautiful just like the Cosmo canyon" then he look again to her eyes. Tifa feels like her tears is forming she better stop this or she will get crazy. she already convinced herself that she is over cloud and yet there he is try to shattered her again. She try to push cloud away harder as she can but cloud keep holding her in a firm embrace. Then his lips crash hers forcefully. She was shock and she stop her ministration of get away from his embrace. It was a forceful yet soft and long kiss. And he look again at Tifa then Cloud tongue begs for entrance as she was startled. On what's going on right now with her. She Closed her eyes. Maybe it's just a dream that will go away. Then she accepted the kiss at she wrap her arm to cloud and touch his smooth silky blonde hair. The kiss become like a battle between the two after a minute of Kissing she pulled away. She's out of breath panting and same as cloud and she look away. She know it isn't right for them to do that now. Especially in her case. "Cloud I think you should go back" Tifa said in a stern voice. And turn her back to cloud. "Why? Teef I will not until I get you back" cloud said as he is persistent as ever. "Cloud... how about aerith?" And with that Tifa try to walk away. "Zack is back...with aerith..." cloud mutters. So the reason why he chased her all the way was because the girl he loves was with another man now. And she was his second choice Tifa feel hurt about the thought. "So if Zack is not here you will be with aerith..." Tifa said in a hurt tone. "Tifa....I was confused I fall in love with aerith during the journey... and I realized..." before he could continue to talk about it Tifa was nowhere to be found. She could not handle it. And for her it's already enough she doesn't want to hear whatever he will says it was indeed she is just a reservation for this love matter if the first one didn't work out. She entered her room crying again. Then a soft knock occur. And she allowed the person to enter. "Teef are you ok?" Yuffie said in a worried tone seeing Tifa was indeed crying. "Cloud, cloud was here" Tifa said between sobs. Then yuffie hug her "so tell me now what do you want to do?" Yuffie ask the question. "I will stay here" Tifa said as she was already decided. Then yuffie nodded and before she leaves. "Teef if you're not sure about it. No matter what happens tonight I'm still your friend." And with that yuffie close the door. I was yuffie's Birthday and she doesn't want to disappoint the girl. And she decided to do this as it was for the best for her and for cloud. The 3 maids enter her quarters and indicate it's time for her to bath and prepare for the ball.

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