21| just tired

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As we walked together with him leading the way, I completely followed him as I traced the beautiful brightening skies at the day awakened welcoming the sun.

Today was the day when the sunrise looked the prettiest with its baby pink and orange hues that filtered across the sky, making it looks as soft and sweet as candy floss itself.

As I followed him, walking down the pretty empty roads, I thought about everything.

Dorran was no longer my enemy; I think that was made that clear in the calming green in between the trees and I no longer thought he was out to get me. It was almost surreal how normal I felt with him, like our past had been some sort of nightmare that we woke up from. But despite all this, there was still a little bit in me that didn't completely trust him and it was normal and justified. In him, there was probably a little slither that told him that his prior assumptions of me were right and that I was like my father and he should despise me.

But what was important was that we had moved past it and accepted that although we had our differences, we were putting them behind us and trying to move forward because we both didn't deserve it.

Looking at Dorran beside me, his figure dark contrasting against the lightening skies, I knew that he wanted to hurt and possibly kill my father and unlike before at the night in the park, I wanted to help him.

It might've sounded crazy but my father was a bad man and he had done some unforgivable things. He had been sent to prison all those years ago for the attempted murder of my mother and as the case against him went on, they found evidence of other crimes he had committed, crimes that had hurt some people beyond repair.

And truly, thinking back to my childhood, the only person I had ever felt an inkling of a connection to was my mother despite her nasty nature and there had never been a spark or any feeling to my father. He had felt like a stranger my entire life and there was always something perceivably off about him to me, something my young mind could tell even at such a little age. I hadn't felt anything towards him and as time went on, I had distanced myself from him further.

Therefore, I had felt like this time had been long coming, the time to end him once and for all. Mathew was the type to continue and continue to do wrong and never repent for his sins; the unkindness we didn't need in this rotting world. He deserved to go down and never come back up and I'd help Dorran and his friends stop him even though our new relationship status was a fragile thing at its best, barely having got off its feet but I knew it was the right thing to do.

My mind strayed back to a childhood memory that had morphed into my nightmare over the years as I thought about the last time I had seen my father.

My mother grabbed the butcher knife that seemingly she was trying to get hold off and in a subsequent motion, plunged it into my father's chest with no hint of any hesitance at all.

When my father's eyes finally found mine, I stepped back at the force of the venom in his stare, unable to look away.

The blood poured from the gaping hole in his chest in a continuous flow and when he took his last breath and his chest didn't move up again, I continued to stare into his cold, now lifeless eyes.

My young self paused in horror at the sight but with one look at my mother who was crying whilst rubbing her guilty bloodstained hands together, I knew I had to be brave for both of us.

I stood up and grabbed the phone, dialled the emergency services and told them that my mother had stabbed my father in self-defence after he was the one that tried to kill her in a void of emotion voice. They told me they'd come soon and that I shouldn't hang up but I did. There were other things to be worrying about rather than the emergency service people checking up to see if I was okay.

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