38| Clarice

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My throat stung.

My lungs were pained at the lack of oxygen that they needed.

My body felt drowsy.

And I had almost died.

But I hadn't.

My mother stopped strangling me, thinking that I had died but she was wrong.

Blackness had surrounded my vision completely and it was as if there was only a little string, a little thread holding me to the lightness. I was seconds away from that chord to my vitality being cut off, leaving me to wander the darkness forever.

But my mother was a stupid woman, who thought too much of herself and she hadn't cut the cord completely.

I was still breathing and she had no clue.

"Darcy, in the beginning, I loved you. I really did," she announced into the room in a lulling tone as if this was her farewell speech to my corpse, not knowing that I could hear all of this and knowing that she wouldn't want me to.

I didn't want to listen either but I was too weak to do anything but that.

I had been so close to death and yet for some reason, like a miracle, I hadn't died. Something was on my side and it was keeping me alive. I was both grateful and exhausted. Was it ever going to get easier?

"I loved Michael and you were my piece of him forever to hold onto but good things don't last do they?"

She was talking to herself like a crazy person, showing her true colours. I wasn't even surprised at this point. Just done with it all.

"I was always a weak girl growing up, depending on others around me all the time. Michael was my life support, my oxygen to breathe and when he left me, I was left with nothing. I felt like I was dying."

She took a deep breath as if that trauma she still hadn't healed from.

"I tried to get him back but I knew he wouldn't. Which was why I went to Mathew. I needed someone to rely on and in my head, I thought that him looking like Michael would be good for me. I'd still feel like Michael was there with me.

Having you was a complication because you were without a doubt Michael's but I realised no one would find out and so I would live a lie and get everything I needed from Mathew without him ever knowing.

It was only when Mathew started to become abusive towards me, that I couldn't take it anymore. I think he always had his suspicions that you weren't his but he never voiced them.

Everything had gotten too much for me and hearing Michael was successful and happy as was Isabella and Thomas whilst I was stuck in my own hell, I was jealous, immensely so.

The doctors always reminded me to take my pills but I lost the motivation to take them for a while. What was the point when I vomited them all put during one of Mathew's violent sprees?

I had enough and I convinced Mathew to do it.

To kill her.

I never liked Isabella but that wasn't the reason why I did it. I was jealous and I couldn't take hearing about their happy lives any longer. I wanted to see them in pain like I was. I wanted them to suffer like I had been suffering all those years and this was the only way I could think that would achieve this.

Mathew was deranged and all I only had to convince him a little, manipulate him using the anger he felt towards his brother.

I knew it would work. Whenever his brother was mentioned, Mathew went crazy, unhinged by the jealousy he felt towards his twin ever since he was born.

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