40| a chat with the in-law

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I was interrupted from staring in a trance at my friends when Thomas came into view.

Dorran was behind me and at the close proximity of his father, he put his hand on the lower end of my back. I instantly warmed up from his touch.

I stared at Dorran's father, not knowing what he was going to say. A slight thought crossed my mind that he was here to tell me to stay away from his son after all the drama I had caused but I swiftly pushed that idea from my mind.

Surely he wouldn't?

Would he?

Thomas opened his mouth to speak and I was anxious to hear what he had to say.

He didn't look as if he was there to tell me off or to stay away from his son but then again, his features, like his son, were always closed off, hidden away to the rest of the world so how would I know for sure?

He was so closely matched to his son; it was hard to look into his face and not see Dorran. They were almost identical and I was sure that Dorran would go on to look like this in his old age. A thought that creeped me out without reason.

"Darcy, I know we haven't spoken yet but I'm glad you're well. I could never imagine the things you have been through but here you are."

At his words, I was slightly shocked. Unlike the time at the dinner party with my mother where his words were cold and calculated, this time, the sincerity and warmth shone through.

He quickly replaced his eyes on me to gaze at his son, something warm in his gaze as he talked to me.

I could feel Dorran stiffen slightly behind me but I didn't know what that meant.

I realised that I hadn't said anything yet and I was just staring at him thinking so without further ado, an awkward smile appeared on my face as I thanked him sincerely.

It was silent after that and I could feel the awkwardness grow.

Everyone was still outside but they weren't looking at me anymore which I was extremely grateful for seeing my current situation.

Thomas scratched the back of his neck and I was surprised again to see such a human emotion of nervousness inside of him. I never expected him to be anything but the cold man I had first met.

Another second of silence and I was so close to asking Dorran to get me out of there but at the last moment, he spoke.

"Darcy, can I speak to you for a second alone?"

I didn't know what he wanted to speak to me without Dorran about but it only took a second for the curiosity to win, making me agree with a slight nod of my head without thinking about it further.

Thomas glanced at his son again who was still touching my back and with a sigh, he removed his hand, kissed my cheek which I then couldn't help the blush and left to go to Marcelo, not looking back.

I looked back at Thomas and saw him staring at me with the slightest smile on his face, probably realising how much I infatuated with his son.

It was slightly embarrassing but I forced it from my mind.

"Do you want to go inside and talk?" I asked and he nodded almost instantaneously.

I led him into the house.

When I opened the door, despite having been in this house before, I was shocked by the grandeur once again. It was so big and elegant and I felt like a miniscule doll that was too rugged for such a playhouse.

Nevertheless, I pushed past this, using my little knowledge of the floorplan to guide Thomas into the kitchen.

When we were both sitting, another awkward silence prevailed, making my skin feel itchy and my limbs feel restless.

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