Chapter 7

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"Half an hour!" Chan yelled angrily at his friends "I leave you alone for half an hour and you bring back a potentially broken spine. Marvellous!"

Hyunjin was sitting with his shirt rolled up and his back exposed for Seungmin to look at. The adrenaline was long gone and the full ache was now very apparent to his brain. Once the other reassured him that his body was perfectly fine, he hesitantly stood up. He stumbled from time to time as he walked but became slightly more relaxed.

"I obviously didn't want him to fall, damn it!" Jisung tried explaining himself with Felix backing him up but Changbin walked away and nudged Hyunjin's shoulder with his muzzle.

"Sorry for that man"

He said with a bit of sadness in his eyes which for some reason got the most to Hyunjin.

"Don't be angry at him, he may lack some brain cells sometimes but never wants bad things to happen"

Changbin looked at flustered and sad Jisung who was still arguing with Chan

"He won't forgive himself for that"

Hyunjin also looked at the shorter boy, eyes filled with annoyance. He never liked Han all that much looking at how he'd always butt into his and Lia's conversations and push Hyunjin aside and now that incident definitely didn't stop these emotions from growing.

"Yeah, sure" the taller mumbled and walked to Seungmin, leaving Changbin with a confused face. The older sighed deeply and walked away with a sad expression.

"I took some photos while y'all were away" Seungmin opened the gallery in his camera and began showing what he managed to figure out. It may have been unintentional but it managed to busy Hyunjin's mind a bit and he was grateful for that.

"Wow, these are great!" Hyunjin looked in awe at the other's job.

"Minnie-hyung is great with these things" I.N sat next to them and put his chin at the older's shoulder "He edits them great as well"

"Do you think you could also look at the other ones I took and maybe tweak them a bit?" Hyunjin looked at Seungmin with pleading eyes and the other nodded, visibly happy that someone appreciate his passion.

They spent plenty more time in the forest, some of them chilling, some walking around but overall enjoying the nice, fresh air and beautiful scenery. Hyunjin was mostly standing aside a bit grumpy that no one would talk to him so he decided to text his sister.



Sup bby

What's up?

How's the trip? :))

Good i guess

No one want to talk with me really

Maybe stop thinking about how others should talk to you and start doing the job yourself?

Make some good out of this trip

I'll try

Thanks i guess


Hyunjin sighed and shoved the phone in his pocket while looking around. Most of the boys were occupied with each other apart from Changbin who was peacefully sitting on a broken down tree (him and Felix transformed back into their human forms a few minutes prior) while looking at his friends. Hyunjin took a deep breath and sat next to the shorter male. He tried to force all the embarrassed and anxious thoughts deep and away from his brain which would surely make his cheeks red if he wasn't careful. Bin noticed his movements and hummed.

"How are you?" he asked softly while looking at Seungmin who was taking photos of Jeongin and Chan.

"Good" Hyunjin said awkwardly but strangely felt weird about not being entirely honest with the older "though I kind of feel a bit weird around you guys" he said chuckling. Changbin cocked a brow at him, waiting for the other to say something more "I mean... I'm the only one normal here'

"What's that supposed to mean?" Changbin looked at him a bit offended and Hyunjin mentally punched himself for choosing the worst way to put his thoughts into words.

"I didn't mean anything bad! I just- I mean that you know you all are hybrids or have some special abilities and I'm just out here being an average human" he explained himself quickly while gesturing a lot with his hands out of nervousness and causing Changbin to glare at him.

"Don't feel embarrassed or anything" the shorter shrugged "We're all just a blend of random personalities and species so feel free to butt in" he smiled "Might as well walk you through a bit. See these two fuckers over there" he pointed at boys standing on the other side of the cemetery next to a big tree "Han Jisung and Lee Minho. Han's partly squirrel and Minho's a clouded panther if I recall the name correctly. They're probably the closest in the group. One time we caught Minho sleeping in his animal form on Jisung's lap and let me tell that was hell of an adorable morning. I'm pretty sure they're secret dating or something but whatever" Hyunjin gulped at the words and looked at the happy boys. He never considered any of the boys' sexualities since he never really thought about his own. It wasn't bothering him or anything and to his own surprise, as Han was trying to get away from Minho's right grip around his waist, he decided that he thought the boys looked very cute together "Then there's my brother - Seungmin and he's taking pictures of Yang Jeongin or how we call him - I.N. Seungmin's a brat sometimes" Bin shook his head and rolled his eyes "But he's also very hardworking and passionate, especially when it comes to photography. He's a mage. Jeongin is a fox and also probably the cutest one here but he's very passionate about singing - boy's got a great voice!" Changbin nodded his head in approval "Then there's Chan, he's also a mage. He's supposed to be the most responsible here as he's the oldest but damn sometimes he fails miserably. He's a big baby." The hybrid chuckled and looked around "Felix you know pretty much already - a cheerful ball of happiness. Then there's me. I'm a wolf hybrid and an extremely handsome man" Changbin flicked his hair while closing his eyes. Hyunjin chuckled a bit and looked the boy from head to toe as if to check if the words were true. He knew they were before the older even spoke up though.

"We do a lot of crazy shit together so better don't lose attention for too long or you may end up in a situation you wouldn't even think about" Changbin looked up as if he was recalling some memories and his features softened "Yeah that's a fast introduction I guess"

"Thank you" Hyunjin said sincerely and sent the other a big, toothy smile. Changbin looked away but the corner of his lips also went up. The taller didn't know but his smile warmed the older's heart a lot.

"God DAMN" Jisung's voice met the boys' ears and they looked at the excited hybrid running their way "See how cool they look?!" He showed photos of the lichens he had found in the forest and one he had to bring back with him "Oh I will get a high ass mark for sure!"

"If this poor thing survives this trip and goes back with us I'm building a shrine for it" Changbin raised his eyebrow causing Han to huff and curl his lips.

"I will take special care of it!" he said and put the lichen that was growing on a bark inside a small container.

"That thing's dead for sure!" Seungmin yelled but quickly turned back and ran away upon seeing Jisung charge at him with an angry face.

All of them rolled their eyes and decided to make their way back to the cars.

Hyunjin took his seat by Changbin and this felt much more comfortable next to his older friend who also seemed more relaxed.

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