Chapter 4: Class 1-A

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Shinso walked into the large common area that occupied most of the bottom floor of the dorms. Despite the time, it was rather full of commotion. Groups of students here and there doing this and that.

Kaminari stepped in, "Hey! I'm back everyone!" He shouted a bit too loud for being right next to Shinso's ear.

A few heads turned towards the duo. Rock guy- no, Kirishima, walked up to Kaminari and slung his arm over the blond's shoulder. "Welcome back bro! I see you brought Shinso," he looked to the purple-haired boy, and extended his hand. "Glad to see you're ok. I never got to properly introduce myself, the name's Kirishima," he smiled with his abnormally sharp set of teeth.

Shinso shook his hand. "Thanks..."

Soon a lot more people gathered around the new kid. Gently trying to push his way through the crowd was Midoriya.

"Shinso! You're ok!" The greenette was visibly relieved at that realization.

"Well, if you ignore the insomnia, then sure," he said softly, rubbing the back of his head.

Midoriya continued. "I was worrying all day that I might've hit you too hard. I'm sorry, I'm still getting a hang on my quirk..." Midoriya rambled.

"Yep..." Shinso didn't know how to get Midoriya to stop rambling. Luckily, engine dude chimed in, interrupting Midoriya's torrent of words.

"As class rep, it is my duty to welcome our new student to Class 1-A," he held out a hand as well, which Shinso shook. "Welcome Shinso. I'm Tenya Iida of the Iida Pro Hero family. I look forward to your presence in this class," he readjusted his glasses.

"Thanks... Iida..." Shinso didn't think he'd add much to the class, but he didn't bother mentioning that.

Iida gestured to a girl beside him with long black hair. "This is the vice rep, Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Hi, I'm Momo!" The girl waved and smiled.

"You look familiar. You're that girl who can create things right?" Shinso asked.

"That's me," she affirmed.

"Ok. What about the rest of you. I recognize some faces from the Sports Festival, but most of you are a mystery," he shrugged.

"Bonjour monsieur, I'm Aoyama, it's a pleasure to meet you~" the French boy offered first. He had long blond hair and large bright indigo eyes. His body screamed to be put in the spot light. He remembered that he had that laser bellybutton. He was beaten in the Sports Festival by...

"And I'm Mina Ashido!" A pink alien-like girl jumped in front of Aoyama. That was the one who beat him. The girl had black sclera with bright yellow irises, along with two yellow horns protruding out of the mess of pink hair on her head. She had an acid quirk if Shinso remembered correctly.

And it went on like that until he had met most everybody. The only one he hadn't met was Bakugo. Shinso wasn't surprised he hadn't offered a welcome. From what he'd seen in the Sports Festival, he wasn't exactly the most welcoming guy.


After the big welcoming, everyone mostly went back to what they were doing. Some went to bed, planning on waking up early tomorrow, while others chatted in groups. Kaminari invited Shinso to join his group, not wanting him to feel like an outcast according to the blond.

So there he was, sitting on the couch. Kaminari was to his right, and Kirishima was on the furthest end of the couch. On the couch opposite the coffee table sat Sero, Mina, and Yaoyorozu. And on the couch to Shinso's right was Midoriya and Uraraka. Some were conversing with each other, but most had their eyes on Shinso.

"So..." Shinso didn't like all the attention, but didn't let it shake his demeanor.

"What's it like being a transfer student?" Mina asked excitedly, leaning forward a bit.

"Well, stressful, mostly," he rubbed the back of his head. "I'd use my lack of sleep as an example, but I already didn't sleep much before transferring, so... Mostly it's just trying to slot into the already established dynamics that's the stressful part," he explained.

"Fair, fair," Mina put a finger to the side of her chin.

"So, I know you can brainwash people, but, like, what are the specifics for that?" Yaoyorozu spoke up.

"Well, first I need the person to respond to me. I also need to consciously think of brainwashing the person. Once under my control, they will do whatever I tell them to. With some exceptions, I can't make them speak, and I can't have them do things that require thought, like putting a name to a face. They can be released on command, or by sufficient enough force," he explained in quite a bit of detail.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Midoriya writing all of what he said down in a notebook.

"Pretty neat," Yaoyorozu commented, laying back on the couch

"So, Shinso," Uraraka said. "Why do you want to be a hero?" She asked smiling.

"Why do I want to be a hero?" He repeated. "Well, I guess I want to be a hero that other people with 'villainous' seeming quirks can look up to," he thought for a second. "All my life I've been likened to a villain, despite wanting nothing more but to be a hero. There are gonna be others out there who go through the same thing, and I want to prove to them that it's possible," he finished.

"That's so manly, dude!" Kirishima offered a fist for a fist bump, Shinso obliged.

"Yeah, that's so cool!" Sero and Kaminari agreed.

"Oh, Kaminari, I forgot to ask, did I have any work that I missed?" Shinso asked the blond

"Uhh," he thought. "Yes..." He seemed unsure.

"Did you happen to grab it for me?" He asked

"...That's what I forgot!" He slammed his palm to his forehead.

"Guess I'll have to go ask Mr. Aizawa for it," he began to get up, but was stopped by Yaoyorozu.

"It's a bit late, plus I can make you a copy," she offered.

"If you want, I guess, but you don't have to," Shinso countered.

"It'd be my pleasure," she rolled up her left sleeve, and her skin began to glow and sparkle. Pretty soon, several sheets of paper began to materialize out of the arm. After about 20 pages had been created, she rolled down her sleeve, piled the pages in order, and handed them to Shinso. "Here you go," she smiled.

"Thanks. Well, I better go work on this. See you in class tomorrow," Shinso headed to the elevator, knowing he probably wouldn't get out of bed until they had all left.

Chapter 4 is done too! Woot! Leave thoughts and suggestions in the comments, and feel free to favorite or share. It all helps. Thanks for reading and I hope to see y'all next Monday or sooner. Bye!!!


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