Chapter 1: Waking Up To Electricity

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It was a bright sunny morning. Sunbeams reflected off the glass of the UA High building. Students were bustling around, some getting an early exercise in, others chatting with friends. It was a beautiful sight to say the least.

Shinso, however thought otherwise. The sun was too bright as always, the students were too loud. Maybe if he had slept last night it would be better. Maybe if he had slept at all in the past week it would be better.

He attempted to blink his tiredness out of his eyes, and sat up in his bed. He got up, and walked to the bathroom.

He splashed some water in his face on a failed attempt to wake up. He looked up a himself in the mirror above the sink. By all accounts, he looked awful -- his purple hair was a right mess, his bags were about as large as his eyes at this point, and his entire face screamed "I haven't slept in weeks." Which was true. The most shut eye he had gotten in the past two weeks was when he blinked.

His purple eyes, however, pierced through that image, boring into his reflection.

He turned away from the mirror, and to the shower. He ran the cold water, disrobed, and stepped in.

After exiting his cold morning shower, he grabbed a towel and dried his hair. He didn't bother trying to comb or brush it, as it would've been futile to try to tame the mess on his head. He walked to his closet, where he dressed himself in the school uniform.

He exited his dorm room into the hallway. As expected, it was empty. Figures Shinso would be the last to begin his day. Most of the other students seemed to wake up around five in the morning, based on the ruckus he heard around that time. He walked towards the elevator down to the commons area, when he was suddenly attacked from his right by a blur of blond.

"Ah! I'm sorry Shinso," the blond untangled himself and stood up. "I was in a rush and didn't see you there. Here, let me help you up." He extended his hand.

Shinso took the blond's hand and hoisted himself up. "May I ask who you are and why you were in such a rush?" Shinso asked while brushing off his uniform.

"Oh, right, you don't know me. Uh, my name's Denki Kaminari, and I'm gonna be late to class," he explained in a rather rushed manner.

"You do know you've got half an hour before class starts, right?" Shinso asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait-" The blond thought for a moment. "I could've sworn I only had two minutes."

"Well, it's your lucky day I guess," he stated blandly. He continued walking towards the elevator.

He pressed the down button and waited for the carriage to arrive. He turned back to Kaminari, who seemed to still be confused about the time. "You coming?" He asked.

"Oh!" He said, snapping out of thought. "Right, yes." He joined the purple hair boy in waiting for the elevator. Once it arrived, they both walked in. Shinso hit the button for the bottom floor, and they started descending.


"So, you're new to 1-A, right?" Denki asked curiously on the way down.

"Yeah, so?" Shinso responded.

"Well, I wanted to get to know you," Kaminari explained smiling.

Shinso looked at him from the side and raised his eyebrow. "Why?"

"'Cause you seem like a chill dude," he elaborated.

The elevator doors opened and Shinso walked out into the empty commons area. Denki followed.

"So, like, is the 'haven't slept in weeks' look intentional, or do you actually not sleep?" He asked leaning forward.

"What's it to you?" He asked.

"Just curious."

"Well, if you must know, it's the latter," the insomniac answered.

"Hmm. Interesting," the blond thought for a moment. "What do you like?"

"Not this," Shinso answered bluntly.

Kaminari frowned at that, but couldn't retort as they had arrived at the classroom, and many of the students were welcoming Shinso to class 1-A.

Engine dude was the most formal, greeting him with a "Welcome fellow classmate" and a handshake.

The rest were just generally excited. A pink girl was jumping up and down, a French sounding boy was speaking weird, and a floating uniform was waving its arms around excitedly.

Shinso did recognize a few faces. Mainly the face of Izuku Midoirya, his opponent from the Sports Festival. The greenette looked rather uncomfortable, but was clearly trying to hide it under a smile.

Then there was Katsuki Bakugo, the winner of the Sports Festival. The ash blond wasn't looking at him, but was clearly pissed about something.

Before he could pick out any more faces, he heard a tired voice -- the same tired voice that was a co-host at the Sports Festival. Mr. Aizawa had arrived.

Chapter two is in the works, should be published soon. Hope you enjoy this little adventure. See y'all soon. Bye!!!


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