Im in love with my straight bestfriend (boyxboy) 10

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Authors note:

Heyyyyyyy! So I haven't updated in decades I know. Sorry. I'll admit I've been really lazy. But I'm back now so here's another chapter of IILWMSBF 😉

Ryan's POV

"I'm starving!" I whined to Chase. He just chuckled.

"You just ate three orders of fries and a burger about an hour ago at the carnival and your saying your hungry?"

"Not hungry, starving!" I yelled which made Tony and Ashley look at us. We were now back in my house watching some weird looking TV show.

"Fine, fine we can go get something to eat then." He told me. Yes!! Sexy man unicorn wins again! So we headed to Chick fila. We went inside and walked up to the counter.

"Hi what can I get you?" The girl behind the counter asked us. She seemed very cheerful and filled with joy. She was also very very pretty. She had dirty blonde hair with baby blue tips that was pulled back into a side ponytail. Her eyes were an aqua blue. Her skin was flawless as well. No girl can be that pretty. I bet she's a lesbian!

"Are you a lesbian?" I asked forgetting she asked what we wanted to eat. Chase hit me on the arm and Ashley smacked me on the head.

"Ouch! What I'm curious."

"I'm so sorry Christal." He said looking at her name tag. She giggled.

"It's ok sir. Actually yes I am." She said looking at me and giggling some more.

"I knew it!" I shouted. "Anyway I'll take a ten piece nugget with a medium waffle frie and medium sprite please." She type in my order on that little magical box thingy that sent the order to the cute dwarf people that make the food. Everyone else ordered their food and we got it a few minutes later.

"So do you guys want to do anything else when were done eating?" Ashley asked as we sat down.

"I think that I'm just going to hit the hay. Its getting kind of late. Can I sleep over again Ryan?" Chase asked me.

"Of course you can." I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"You guys can sleep over again too if you want." I offered.

"Thanks but I'd rather not hear or see you two having sex on the couch so we'll pass." Tony said.

"I would like that." Ashley winked.

I was so offended... And a little creeped out by Ashley. How dare my friends think that we were going to do that! I mean we wouldn't.... Oh shut up! I didn't say anything. I just made a face that said " f*ck off my back honey boo boo child." I don't think they understood it though. I heard Chase laughing next to me and I smiled to myself. I love to hear his beautiful laugh.

"Ok suit yourself." Chase said while laughing.

When we were finished we headed out. I waved goodbye to Christal.

"Maybe we'll see you around sometime." I called out to her.

"Okay." she called back and smiled before she turned back to a customer.

When we got back to my house we said our goodbyes to Tony and Ashley.

We layed on the couch cuddling, watching TV when Chase's phone starts to vibrate. He reached over to the coffee table and flipped his phone open and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello?" He said into the small device.

"Hey mom.... Yea I'm at Ryan's place....mhmm... Ok love you too. Bye.

"What did your mom want?" I asked looking up at him from laying on his chest.

"She just wanted to know if I was coming home tomorrow since I've mostly been spending all my time with you."

"Oh yea. I'm sorry I've been taking time away from you and your mom."

"No it's fine. I don't mind at all. I love spending all my time with you. I feel complete when I'm around you." He smiled at me.

And with that I just had to. I grabbed his face and pulled him down and crashed my lips onto his. It was a slow passionate kiss that had my heart racing. I felt his tongue trace over my bottom lip and I gladly let him in. Our tongues played with each others and it was pure pleasure.

I then got up and straddled his waist without breaking the kiss. I placed my hand on the bottom rim of his shirt and pulled it off in one quick movement. I stopped kissing him so I could stare at his abs and beautiful chest now that I can without being worried he might catch me staring and think I'm gay. Haha.

We started kissing again and I slid my hand up his abs and onto his nipples. I pinched the left one causing him to gasp and moan into my mouth.

Chase's POV

This boy is truly amazing. God do I love him and the pleasure he's giving me. I moaned then I felt him reach for my lower region. I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Not now." I said. "As much as I would love to feel your hot mouth around my cock and your tight hole, I want to wait for a more special time. I want it to be something I will never ever forget." I winked at him. He blushed then nodded and rested his forehead on mine. He pecked me once more before he got off and tossed me my shirt.

"Bed time!" He hollered then ran to his room. I chuckled and followed slowly behind. I was thinking about what could have happened if I didn't stop him. How would it have felt? Would it be different from how a girl sucked me? I've never had sex before in my life though. I may have played around a little here and there but I've never let it go so far where I may regret it. I'm waiting for the that special someone and I think Ryan just might be the one.

I walked into the room with a smile on my face. I removed my pants, socks, and shoes so I was only in my boxers. Ryan already took my shirt off for me haha. I slid into the bed next to Ryan and wrapped my arm around his waist. He snuggled into my chest and we both sighed with happiness.

"Chase?" Ryan whispered.


"I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed his temple and we both dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

Authors note:

Okay so hey! Yes it is short. Lets face it. I'm not good with long chapters. 😔But I hope it was ok. I wasn't planning on anything happening with them yet so I stopped it. I'm awesome, I know. Alright so adios amigos!


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