Part 1

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Hi!im y/n wich you will be imagining to be your name.
Im 16 years old,i go to passaic valley Highschool.
Some of you guys are gonna ask me
„omg do u talk to mattia??"yes i do talk to him but the things is that......were fuck buddys
Wich happens to be weird cuz he bullies me but makes it up for me with fuckin me.
n e wayz,lets go on with the story😙✌🏽

its 6am on a monday morning and lets say my first words were „fuck theres school today" like probably what every teenager says
i got up and went on my phone for 10 minutes watching tiktoks and liking photos on Instagram
i checked the time and it was 6:15am and i thought to myself „damn i was on my phone for 15 minutes?ig i gotta get up now"
i went to the bathroom,took a shower,did my make up and hair,changed into some sweats and a crop top cuz why not?
i checked the time and it was 6:55am wich the school bell rings at 7:10am
and i only live 5 minutes away.
ate breakfast,went to my car and yes i have my driving license like every other teenager.
it took only 2 minutes to get there.
i went to my locker and took my books for the first period wich it is lab class
while getting there i saw my so called "bully" at school but in real life "fuck buddy" and my stupid ass accidentally bumps into him
mattia:"watch where ur going,bitch"
y/n:"im so sorry,asshole"
mattia came up to my ear and whispered
mattia:"shut the fuck up or imma have to tell the whole school our dirty secret"
y/n:"make me"
mattia:"oh meet me at the janitors closet"
y/n:"mhm no"
mattia:"oki imma have to tell the whole school our secret"
y/n:"ok ok stfu ill meet u there"
mattia then went the other way
y/n"ahem i think ur forgetting we have lab class together?"
mattia:"oh yeah right wait for me"
y/n:"hurry up its late"
mattia:"chill were here"
we got there in time
teacher:"y/n mattia sit over there"
me and mattia grunted in annoyed and went to our seats
mattia:"looks like we are sitting together"
mattia:"other way round babygirl"
10 minutes have been past
y/n:"how long is this period gonna last cuz it feels like we've been here since 2 hours even tho its been 10 minutes"
mattia:"can this class already end please,i dont wanna sit next to her"
y/n:"thats not what u say when we are in bed"
i say that to him whispering in his ear
mattia:"gahdamn keep ur mouth shut"
y/n:"nah what do i have an mouth for?"
mattia smirks and whispers in my ear
mattia:"something what im gonna give to u later"
y/n:"yeah yeah eyes on the board"
mattia:"hm alright"
teacher:"you will be partners with the person right next to you"
me and mattia grunt again in annoyed and i roll my eyes
mattia:"keep rolling ur eyes and ill give u a reason to roll ur eyes"
y/n:"no but we are partners omfg with my fuckin fuck buddy?"
mattia:"das right,looks like we gotta do our project at ur house" he says that while smirking
y/n:"yeah only cuz i live by myself,so no one can hear us right?"
mattia:"yup so glad you know why cuz you'll be screaming ur lungs today for behaving to me today morning"
y/n:"ugh what ur next period?"
mattia:"PE what about u?"
y/n:"math,so glad i dont have PE with u"
mattia:"dont worry cuz imma skip it so i can meet u at the janitors closet"
y/n:"keep wishing"
mattia:"at 9am,meet me there or imma punish u so bad that u wont even walk for 2 weeks"
y/n:"ok chill ill be there"
y/n:"bye loser"
mattia:"bye hoe"
After that i went to math wich was boring so i was on my phone the whole time until i got a message by mattia


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