Part. 2

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after reading the last text from mattia
i had to make an excuse for the teacher to let me go
i ask the teacher if i can go to the restroom
the teacher lets me go.
i went to the janitors closet where mattia was waiting for me
once i get there mattia takes my wrist and pulls me into the closet
the janitors closet is pretty small so there wasnt enough room but somehow we managed to fuck there


as i went in there we were squashed so our chests were touching
mattia:"if u were at my house,I would've been playing with u like as u were my sex doll"
i always hated mattia but this time he got me weak with that sentence
y/n:"oh really?" I said sarcastically
mattia:"talk to me in a sarcastic way,you would have to go with crutches in class"
i gulped and said
y/n:"what are we even doing he-"
before i could finish he kissed me,but passionately
at that time i felt butterflies in my stomach cuz mostly he just fucks me there and leaves like he never kisses me but this time he did.
the kiss turned into a roughly makeout
as we were making out,mattia picked me up and pinned me into the wall
mattia wiped his tounge on my bottom lip asking for entrance,I accept it
i could tell he was horny cuz i felt his boner on my private part
while he was kissing me,he took of my pants,ripped my fav underwear
i softly moan when he did that but i broke the kiss and frowned
y/n:"those were my favs one"i said looking frowned
mattia:"dont worry,ill buy you new ones"
at that mattia kissed me again but this time he entered one finger inside me.
as he did that i moaned into the kiss
mattia whispered
mattia:"if u moan,im going to add a finger more"
as mattia said that,i knew that he probably gonna add a finger more even if i bite my lip
I didnt moan but i said to myself
y/n:"fuck" in a very small tone
but mattia somehow heard that and said
mattia:"guess imma have to add one more"
there was 2 fingers inside me
as he entered the second one i softly moan
mattia then entered 1 more
i didnt moan anymore but he picked up the pace and went faster and deeper
i couldnt help but moan
mattia entered the rest of the finger wich he probably was fisting me
mattia heard someone in the hall way and closed my mouth with his other hand
he was fisting me really fast
i couldnt hold it in
i took his hand away and said
y/n:"i-im g-gonn-gonna cu-"
as i said that he took his hand out of me
before i could complain he said
mattia:"i want u to cum when im inside u"
he turned me around so now my face is at the wall
he bended my back
he slapped my ass a couple of times wich probably is gonna leave a hand mark
as he entered inside me
i moaned
he didnt let me adjust to the at the size
he slammed into me repeatedly
i moaned so loud i couldnt even breath
mattia takes both of my arms and bringed behind me back
he holded both of my hands with one hand
and the with the other hand he shutted my mouth
i was signaling him that im close by clenching around his dick
he grunted and said
mattia:"do that again"
i did it a couple of times more
At the last one I released
mattia wasnt there yet so he was still going
but this time he went faster and deeper
i couldnt hold it anymore
after 8 minutes he said to me that hes close
he took it out
said "on your knees"
i dropped on my knees
mattia:"open ur mouth"
I opened it
mattia:"now be a good girl and swallow it"
i did as he said what i had to do
before i put it in my mouth
he grabbed my hair and put his dick inside my mouth
thrusted a couple of a times
then he released in the back of my throat
as he released,he took it out
lifted my chin up and said
"Swallow it"
I couldn't do it
mattia closed my mouth where i cant spit it out
i swallowed it
after that he said
"open ur mouth"
i did as he said that
"tounge out"
i put my tounge out
"good girl"
i was a hot mess
i put my clothes on
he did that too
he said to me
"dont forget that im gonna be at ur house today"
tbh i was happy he was gonna come to my house
i shaked my head ok
before i could leave me kissed me for good 5 minutes and let me go
as we went out he smirked at me and winked
I couldn't help but smile at him
i check my phone and it was 10am
i said to myself
it was lunch time

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