Part 3

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it was lunch time
first i went to my locker,put the books in there and took my lunch
i always go outside to eat but today it was a rainy day so i had to stay inside
i went somewhere where no one can see me but somehow mattia saw me and came to me
mattia:"look at u all alone"
y/n:"not when im in bed"i said with a winking face
mattia:"stop playing games and come sit with me"
y/n:"me sitting with u?"i said suprised
mattia:"yeth now u can come"he said reaching his hand out to help me get up
y/n:"but u bully me, well i mean in school not outside school"
mattia:"oh yeah about that um nvm i gtg"he said going back to where he was
i just looked at him suprised but then i finished my lunch and went to PE
his friend alejandro is with me in PE so i went up to him and asked him why is mattia off with me lately?
btw yes ale knows the secret cuz somehow he found out about it but i trust him that he wont tell no one
y/n:"hey ale"
ale:"oh h-hey y/n"he said looking shy
i knew that ale always had a crush on me
y/n:"mattias been off lately like hes been way nicer with me but do you why?"i asked him
ale:"i feel like he has a crush on you,u can clearly see that cuz the way he looks at u"he said smiling
i smiled and said
y/n:"what period do u have next"
ale:"english,what about you?"
y/n:"oh me too well if u want we can sit together"i said smiling at him
ale:"GREAT i mean yeah cool"he said with an embarrassing smile
i laughed and went back to the field
PE was done so i went to the locker room,changed and stuff and went to english classroom
i went it and saw ale sitting waiting for me to sit next to him
as i sat down he smiled and looked at me
y/n:"do i have something on my face?"
ale:"yes,theres cutenesses everywhere"he said smiling
i blushed a little and worked with him
he looked at me the whole time
before i could say something he asked me
ale:"do you wanna go out with me tomorrow?"he said saying it fast and feeling embarrassed
tbh i was happy and said
y/n:"sure why not"i said smiling
he smiled super hard and said in excitement
ale:"awesome!ill pick u up at 6pm" he said while smiling
i smiled back and worked on my paper
i heard some students on the hallway and looked over at the door and saw mattia
he saw me too
he winked at me while his bottom lips was under his teeths
i rolled my eyes
he texted me

mattia:roll ur eyes back and ill give u a reason why

i looked over at him and he was still biting his lips
i texted him back
                             y/n:mhm ok go back to class dummy

i sent it and looked over at him smiling
he read the message and smiled back
he went to class while mine ended
next period was history but i wasnt feeling it so i went home

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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