just killing time

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LA; 1990 something

it had been a week since chloe had been to the skate shop. she was going back to the store to find her younger brother some type of birthday present. as she stood outside the door she fixed her shorts and walked in. the shop, although the sign said open, was completely empty. she did a double take making sure the sign said open, and it did. 

almost giving up, she turned to head out the store when she heard someone sprinting down a hallway. the running quickly came to a halt and she cautiously walked to where the noise was coming from. She was met with a young boy starring in the mirror.

"hello?" she said startling the poor boy causing him to spill some of the water. "do you know where fuckshit is?"

"uh-, he's in the back. he's skating." she just starred back at the kid. she was confused why a little kid was hanging out with these boys and why on earth this boy was so nervous. she raised an eyebrow at the young boy before walking out to the back. 

chloe leaned up against the wall only waiting a couple moments before fuckshit noticed her. the boy fell off his board earning a laugh out of the boys and a small chuckle from chloe. fuckshit grabbed his board before walking over to chloe.

"ay, angel, didn't think i'd see you back here this soon." he watched as she sat down against the wall. "can i help you with something or are you just coming for a visit?" fuckshit winked at her resulting in a small smile from chloe.

"my brother's birthday is coming up and i wanted to get him a shirt or poster or something." she looked down at her watch. "but i have time to kill before captains practice, so maybe i'll watch you for a little bit." she smiled up at him and fuckshit took a seat right next to her.

"captain's practice? what you practicing to be a pirate for?" chloe gave him a confused look. "like i know your family is rich and all, but i didn't take you for the boat type." chloe quickly realized that the boy wasn't kidding. just as she was about to answer the boy from the bathroom ran back out with his jug. chloe turned back to fuckshit.

"it's for cheerleading. i'm a captain for cheerleading this year, so in the summer we have practice to get ready for the season." 

"sounds like fun, and don't you have to be really good to be a captain?"

"yeah, i guess. honestly captain practices are terrible, like i love cheer and all but all our practices are with football. all the boys are such jerks!" chloe had started to get heated. she was sick of all the stupid harassment from the boys. she quickly brought herself back to her calm nature. "sorry if you're friends with any of them."

"angel, do i look like i would be friends with them?" chloe let out a little laugh before shaking her head. "and yeah, i agree they are all stupid. so fuck them." fuckshit paused before coming up with an idea. "what if you just skip?"

"ah, i wish i could, but i'm the one in charge." by now the other boys had noticed the girl talking to fuckshit and to their surprise he didn't seem to be trying to fuck her right then and there. "that wouldn't be very captain like of me." 

"what if i come with you?" chloe rolled her eyes. "no, i'm serious. i think i could be a cheerleader." 

"as fun as that sounds, i have to go. i'm already going to be late." chloe said standing up and grabbing her backpack. 

"i can drive you!" fuckshit quickly offered catching the attention of his best friend ray. ray in their countless years of friendship has never seen fuckshit act this way towards a girl.

"thank you for the offer, but i'm okay." if she was being honest she would have loved to get a ride. she knew that if she showed up with him the girls would relentlessly tease her and even be rude about it. chloe saw nothing wrong with it, but she had a reputation and she would be lying if she said she would ruin it for some boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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like an angel ; mid90sWhere stories live. Discover now