IX- Restart

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I was in the room sitting in a dentist chair with no clothes on, I was all strapped in as Sally sat near me she gently touched my head. I felt comfort from her as she explained to me what the procedure was:
"Now this cure is super fragile it has to be in its room with the temperature very cold. What I must tell you is that this is a prototype it's only temporary and wears off after 4 hours. However during that window, if you cause harm to yourself then your old ways will return. I know you enjoy your old powers so I will compromise ok."

I shook my head in agreement until I saw a trolley come in, my heart was racing, I was feeling anxious. I heard some science jargon and I stayed still as I felt the ice-cold liquid injected into my arm. What happened next was waves of pain, I howled with agony as I felt all my fur shed off even my tail just fell off like nothing. The painful process lasted for 10 minutes as everything from my past just fell off.
I saw the upset face Sally gave me as I was in pain but for now, it was over. Surprisingly I didn't rip the straps off, feeling sick and lightheaded I retched all over the floor, most of it was old food and hair. I looked down and saw myself with normal hands, feet and toes like a normal human. I looked at my hair and found it still white but with some black specs until I realised that I had fleas from my fluffy days.

Sally came and hugged me, "oh my daughter Amelia thank goodness you're ok. Come with me oh you're weak, I need a wheelchair and IV drip guys."
I was put in the wheelchair and hooked on IV, I was so tired and weak. I wanted to fight it and stand but I couldn't, alas I gave up for now.
However, that didn't stop my mum Sally from taking me to her house exactly.
I got in her car with difficulty with the IV drip bag behind me on a hook. I saw her get in the car, "be honest mum, I'm stuck like this now aren't I?" To which she simply replied "yup" and together we went to her house. Maybe this was a good thing for the moment, yes I was human as fuck and visible now but I had to be wise and deceiving so I can make myself the way I was again.

5 days later...

I woke up in a bed in a bedroom, I looked down and yup still human but it was ok. I looked around the bedroom it was coated in pink walls, with a large window on my right side. The room was full of these little pictures of an embryo in a glass tube I knew that was me. It was an odd choice of interior design I thought, as I tried to get up I heard a snap and sharp pain in my arm. I squealed and saw mum run-in with an injection in the broken arm.

My mum sat with me and told me to relax, "sshh it's ok it's the change you're very fragile. It's because your body is having a shock to the change and is attacking you a bit."
I spoke with a stern tone, "then end my suffering change me back. I can't live like this, please." I looked deep in her cold eyes, there was no love or desire in them.
I was a substitute for her dead daughter, I never knew what happened to her kid. My arm healed after a few minutes, I moved it around it was fine and felt normal.

I knew I had to act like Sally, it was the only way to escape but first I had to dig deep into her daughters past.
As I sat up, I noticed that Sally was stroking my left hand her hands were cold and dry. I cleared my throat and asked the deep stuff, "so is it ok to ask what happened to your daughter?" She looked stunned at the question but with a sad tone in her voice she answered a bit more than I expected:

"My daughter Clara, yes that was her name. She was a beautiful girl that made everyone smile, she was smart, brave and kind. A true angel, until when she was at the age of ten she fell very sick. I took her to numerous doctors and they all said the same thing: leukaemia. I took her every day to the hospital to get intensive chemotherapy. Yes it made her sicker and she lost her hair but she still smiled.
That was when I went to check on her at night and she was dead. It took 5 years of fighting the illness but her body just gave up.
I could never forget my little 15-year-old girl, so much life ahead of her and she couldn't handle it. So I thought to make my child, with her hair that she lost during the treatment. I managed to edit the faulty genes but because of that, the hair went white. Which means Amelia that you have most of my daughters DNA."

The world stopped, I was speechless how did I not think that? It was obvious she needed a genetic code and her dead daughter's hair had plenty of it, but it got me thinking. Until I hit a eureka moment and asked: "Sally is it possible that I can access Clara's memories?" She shook her head, "yes you can but Amelia you are my creation. You are flawless my daughter yes she was mine but she was flawed. You are you not her remember that ok."

Her words hit me like millions of poisonous arrows, "NO! I exist because I had no choice. You needed a genetic code and you used your dead kid's hair for that, it's sickening to hear those words from you. Where's the love, passion and heart?" I cried with tears weirdly streaming down my face I knew they weren't MY tears but Clara's tears.
I expected to be scolded but Sally just left the room saying "don't you ever mention my daughter's name, you freak!" I had hit a nerve and it hit her deep, for the remainder of the day I slept and cried. I didn't even eat or drink, I wanted my old self back.

As I was sleeping I was digging for Clara's memories. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything until I heard a sort of whisper. It wasn't in the room but I realised that it was inside me. It whispered again but when I closed my eyes it's whispers were clear. "Amelia it's me, you have awakened me at last. Thank you I am Clara I am your soul. I never left the mortal world. My mother is not a nice person, no she's a witch. You must escape, it's not safe here."

My mind was on overload, so much information was being processed that it made me collapse with exhaustion.

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