Blind Love

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This is for a short competition I'm doing. If you think I should continue the story, I will.


I sighed as I stroked my finger up the warm handle of my walking stick. A warm breeze flowed onto my face as my seatbelt dug into my waist. Thimbles of words on the radio, more static then words. A fresh, warm green smell floated around the vehicle I was sitting in, and, with the window down, I could hear us rush past the small town.

"So, what do you think of my car?" my date, Julian, asked. I chuckled, slightly, reminding him, this is quite literally, a blind date. He paused for a different answer, then took the hint.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Augustus, maybe, in the future, I'll try to remember it."
He's talking about the future, again. Something I know I won't have. I lost my eyesight to Cancer, and, I know, the Cancer is slowly taking over.

Every day of my life, my single wish is to let me have a future, but, it's clear, to me, that it won't happen.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I - "

"Julian," I interrupted, "it's okay." I laughed, feeling my date smiling.

I fumbled for the chair lever, and, slowly, leaning back. Soon, I was out of the window's way, and, I get the warm, late summer breeze flow over me.

I felt my eyelids get heavy, and, I let them close, even though, it was just as dark. I was in a long, dark void. That will, without me noticing, vanish, and, take me with it.
My thoughts rushed out of my mind, into a small compact part of my brain, and, I was left with some peace.

Too soon, I was awoken by the sound of crunching gravel below Julian's car. I listened as he clicked the engine off, opening, and, closing his door, and, coming around his car. I heard my door click open. I held out my hand, groping for something to cling to, as I stood up. I left the comfort of the seat behind, as Julian's warm arm supported me. I quickly swung my walking stick beside me, Julian slowly let go.

"Thank you," I whispered, and, smiled, at the sound of a car door closing.

"No problem, Augustus," his voice had hints of smile in it, and, suddenly, his warm hand was in my free one.

"W - what?" I pulled my hand away, not aware of this new feeling. His hand was warm, and, comforting, and, I just wanted him to hold me. But, no one wants to hold me. Not a blind freak like me.

Guys only go on dates with me because they feel sorry for me. When they drive me home, they never hold my hand. They just bring me to the door, apologies, and leave. Without saying another word.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you would need the hand, but, I guess you don't, I'm sorry, I've just never met a guy that was blind. But, I don't have anything against blind guys, I mean - "

I held out my hand, in the direction of his frantic voice, "It's alright. I do need a hand."
There was a pause, and, the summer crickets were becoming loud, and, with the humidity on my face, there had to be millions of fireflies lighting up my huge yard. The cicadas chirped loudly, that slowly died away, and, the frogs replaced them. I could feel the heat around me slowly die down, I could feel a warm hand take mine.

"Let's go," Julian said, with a warm smile on his voice. I nodded, hopefully, in his direction, and, suddenly, I felt a pull.
I followed the pull of his warm hand, and, felt the crunch of the gravel, under my feet, and, as we came closer to my house, I could tell, because, of my mother's famous cooking.

The smell of warm cookies, and, freshly baked bread wafted through an open window. The one window, above the sink, that's always open.

He helped me up the steps, holding both of my hands in his, my walking stick forgotten. I could feel his presence, his warm breath on my forehead. The warmth coming off his body. The summer heat.
It was all too familiar.

The moment he says, "I'm sorry. You're a great guy, Augustus, but, I only felt like tonight was for friends. I can't date you." Then, I will feel his warm hands slip out of mine, being replaces with my cold walking stick. I could already sense the tears, and, the sound of crunching gravel, as he slowly walks away.

Every time, I think, "He's got to be the one. He's funny, kind, sweet. I know he's got a liking to me." Just to leave me on my mother's doorstep.

Julian's body warmth never grew cold, though. His hands warmed my arms, as we stood there, listening to the bugs hum.
I kept waiting for the moment, Julian steps back, apologizing.

But, it never came.

I just stood there, absorbing his warmth, his comfort. His trust in me. The way I trust him. I know, I'd never been able to fall in love with him, but, some days, I wish -

Suddenly, his hand quickly to my face, and, I barely felt the warmth in my face, before his lips were against mine.

As quickly as it happened, he backed away. His hand hovered above my cheek, then, I felt his warmth fade away. I felt his body warmth leave me.

"Want to do this, again, sometime?"

He spoke to me, and, I almost said, "It's okay. I like having friends." But, I realized, he was asking me out on a date, again!

I bit my lip, sorting through my mind. I couldn't process anything. For a moment, I realized I was sort of happy I didn't have any eyesight. See Julian's face would make things much harder to do.

But, his lips were so soft, and, sweet. And, they tingled like fresh-picked mint. But, he was warm, and, I didn't want this chance to leave me.

But, answering him would be so cliché, and, I'm not that type of person. I reached up, finding Julian's face, feeling his stubble.
Then, kissed him.

He smiled against my lips, then, kissed me back. It was a whole new experience. I have never felt this level of love before. A new force was overwhelming me, and, I couldn't hold it back. It was demanding me to do things I couldn't possibly imagine doing.
Grab his waist, the force was telling me.
Make out with him, the force was demanding me.

Under his shirt.

He won't care.

He's had multiple first dates worse than this.

You need to go farther.

But, I didn't listen to that voice, because, it is the voice of thousands of fans, screaming be odd, random ships at you. From a masterpiece, a book, or, a musical. A voice that's always going to be there, no matter how harsh, it needs to be tucked away, until a good time to use it.


1169 Words, Originally Published: July 13th, 2018

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