True Colour (A Kingdom To Call Our Own)

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The vibrant red color of her irises was the first thing I saw as she fell from the skies above. I marveled at her delicate figure and luscious blue hair that rode the waves of the soft evening breeze. Why the Gods would send me the greatest of their holy angels, I did not know. However, that question became more and more irrelevant as the seconds passed. Her immense beauty fed my soul and warmed up every inch of my body, head to toe. I was physically and mentally enchanted by her mere presence in my range of vision, which made me even more interested. Living in a world that had grown cold and dark during my existence within it, this experience was new to me. However, now that I had become accustomed to its magic, I desperately wanted more. The ongoing sequence played out until all time froze, caused by our gazes simultaneously locking onto one another's. When I looked into her eyes, I saw the same longing look that rested in mine. Knowing that she came from a land that seemed to be much better off than my own, I stood in confusion as to why she would be in this state. As I thought about it though, maybe even the people that are blessed with anything they could ever want still search for the thing they truly desire. She grabbed my outreached hand without a word being said between us, but rather a sense of understanding. Our homeworlds were no longer going to be of any use to us. If we wanted this spark to last, we would have to find a kingdom to call our own. 


We had reached a distance far from where we had been before I finally regained consciousness. I had previously heard about space in fables beforehand, but none of that could've prepared me for what I saw now. The blanket of stars that we were flying amongst was massive, going as far as I could see with the naked eye. I reached out with my free hand to grab one of the bright lights shining in front of me, resulting in an obvious lack of success. My other hand was currently being held by the dream girl that had fallen to me from the Gods of our former world. Her wings moved with such spirit as she glided along this foreign pathway, heading to a location unknown to us then. Rays of light could not compete with the speeds we matched that day, soaring as if there wouldn't be another chapter in this storybook we created together. She had not looked in my direction since I woke from my prolonged slumber, which I figured would be the case. She was determined to find us a new home, which was all I could've wanted from her. I just wished that there was something I could've done to help. 

No human being could withstand the pressure that space brought upon the objects within it, and this became apparent rather quickly. The magic kept us alive much longer than any other person would've survived for, which was a good thing in its own right. However, nothing lasts forever. My right hand had completely withered away, ceasing to exist, while my other hand was only being held together by her tight grip. Speaking of which, she was not holding together much better. Her legs and left arm were gone, plus her wings were starting to fade away themselves. I worried that she would not make it to where we were ultimately destined to arrive, and my love for her would never allow that. I mean, how could it? My dream girl fell to me from the heavens, we flew to the stars, and all for what? Her to be taken away from me, especially like this? I could never allow that in my right mind. I wanted to hold her, even if it was one last time. I mean, I didn't even get to kiss her yet, much less tell her how much I loved her. Yet I had a bad feeling that all of those hopes were now in the rearview mirror. This was endgame, and I just had to sit back and watch it happen. A wide variety of emotions flooded my head at once, ranging from anger, sadness, and even confusion. Why the hell did this have to happen to me? I had received nothing my whole life up to that point except for her, so why couldn't I just be allowed to enjoy what I rightfully deserved? 

It was then when her wings finally gave out and we started to fall. Not the kind of falling that had happened before when she fell to me from the clouds, but a much different kind of falling. One that had become all too familiar to me back in my world. It was the equivalent of falling in an endless void, having nowhere else to go but down. Sadly, that was also the literal occurrence in this dire situation. The stars became a blur as we continued to fall, no end in near sight. I looked into her eyes, for the first time since we had met by fate before, and observed in anguish as the tears rapidly began to form and fall in a horrific cycle. All I wanted to do was hug her and tell her that everything would be alright, but I could not convince even myself of that much. Besides, we each only had one hand now, which were holding onto each other for dear life itself. As our gazes kept their hold onto one another, I watched her lips mouth three precious words. 

"I love you"


He didn't have time to give her a response. Their bodies, and their entire world, finally came to a long-expected halt, crashing against the floor of the void in which they had been falling. Already having trouble keeping their figures in one piece as it was, the impact made them crumble into millions of pieces. Those pieces lay against the floor making not even the slightest inch of movement. Much time passed, and the pieces remained immobile. Maybe that was it. The end of their story. Their seemingly perfect dream of a love story tragically concluding like this. Honestly, that would make sense. Many relationships end like this, even in our world today. 

(Confused? Sorry, let's backtrack a little bit. This story starts with a boy who's life is a living hell. He hates everything about the life he lives in and wants to find a way out. Cue the girl from stage left. She is a rather spoiled person, having everything material wise that she could ever want. This includes a nice car, expensive makeup, etc. You name it, she probably has it. Even with this in mind, she is still searching for the one thing money cannot buy, which is true love. When all seems truly hopeless, they fatefully meet, as if she had just fallen from the sky to greet him with an open hand. Both wanting to escape from their pasts, they run away to find their own life together. Are you starting to see the connections? Good. However, you're probably wondering: how do their deaths fall into this true story of theirs?

Good question. Their death in the exaggerated story does not tell of them truly dying, but rather their newfound relationship being pulled from under them. Just like reality kicked in and killed our characters, reality remains king in our true story as well. Their parents finally located them with help from law enforcement, and our 2 lovers were dragged away from each other once again. You see, love cannot exist outside of reality. This was the biggest mistake they made. Instead of running away to find a new world, they could've used their love for one another to lighten up the worlds they already lived in. 

With that being said, their story does not have to be over yet. Love remains king within reality, and if there is love there will always be a way. Now back to our story.)


All remained quiet for a second. Only a second. Then one of the pieces started to move. It ruffled around the ground violently, as if it was trying to go somewhere. That's when some of the other pieces started to move, which came together to make the red-haired boy with dazzling blue eyes. 


I opened my eyes to find myself standing in a white abyss. Everywhere I looked was a plain white, as if I resided within a blank sheet of paper that had yet to be written on. A story that had yet to be told. I looked down and saw, to my horror, the pieces of my now dead love. I screamed as I fell to my knees before them. What was I to do? I couldn't go back to my life before, I had nothing. And any of the worth that I currently possessed lived within the scattered pieces of the one I loved the most. Knowing this, I balled continuously as I started to pick up as many of the pieces as I could hold. I needed her in my life, even if it was her remains. I was so focused on what I was doing that I completely missed the fact that the pieces started to move, I only realized once the pieces I had grabbed flew out of my times. Startled, I looked up to see my love. She had her hand reached out to me and that same look in her eyes as when she fell from the sky to me at the very beginning. My tears continued to fall as I didn't know what to think. Was my mind playing tricks on me to act like she wasn't dead? If so, I could stop that mind from working at any given moment. However, the longer I looked at her, I realized that she wasn't going away. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't an illusion. Maybe, just maybe, my true love was here to help me back up. So I reached up and grabbed her hand, and surely she pulled me up. 

The white abyss faded away to reveal the world I started in. Sure, it was still dark and cold as ever, but something was different about it. Something that fed my soul and warmed up every inch of my body, head to toe. I looked beside me and saw the princess in my castle, the star in my solar system, and most importantly, the meaning of my life. And now all of a sudden, it didn't matter where I was. We could be stranded in the ocean, alone on an uncharted island, or even lost in our own worlds. It didn't matter. Wherever that happened to be, that would be the kingdom we called our own. 

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