Find You Anyway

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Party. Drugs. Alcohol.

My life basically consisted on all three of these things.

I never wanted it to get this bad, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't addicted to the drugs or alcohol... I was just addicted to the fun. The adrenaline. But mostly, I did it to hide. To hide from the demons. I did it to hide from everything that was haunting me.

"Hey! Stop!" A security guard screams, ripping me off of the girl I was fighting. I was drunk. Unable to think. I couldn't even remember what she said or did to make me so angry.

"Ma'am, this is the Florida police department. We have no choice to arrest you for public assault." Another man says, grabbing both of my arms and putting them behind my back, handcuffing me.

"Shit." I slurred, sitting down in the back of the cop car. This was going to end up bad. I was going to be in here for a long time.

It took only a few minutes until we arrived at the jail. I went through the process. They took my stuff, searched me, took my mugshot, and shoved me in the waiting room.

I sat down in a chair next to a buff man who looked like he just had murdered someone, and another boy. He was young, maybe my age, and very attractive.

I sat down quietly, my head down with disappointment. I was definitely sobering up now.

"How'd you get pushed in here, sweetie?" The buff man asked, elbowing me in the shoulder. I narrowed my eyes and looked up at him, and I swear I almost puked. "I can smell the alcohol. Is that fireball?"

"I got put in here for fighting someone. Don't make me want to fight you too." I growled, glancing at the other guy, sinking down in my seat.

I sat in my spot, looking at my feet. I couldn't believe myself.

"Colby, I'm getting bailed." A voice says after a few minutes.

I looked up to see a blonde boy, staring down at the attractive man next to me. They knew each other. They both looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't wrap my finger around it.

After they said their goodbyes, the boy sunk down in his seat the same way I did a few minutes ago.

"He your boyfriend?" I blurt out, glancing over at the boy. Why did I just say that? He looked at me with shock, his eye furrowed. Was he scared of me?

"Best friend." He corrected, clearing his throat. He spoke so softly.

I chuckled. "That was my second guess." I didn't know why I was talking to him... maybe I was still drunk. "I'm Natalia."

"Colby." He muttered, looking around the room.

"Oh my god." I whispered with realization. I knew who he was now. I've seen him before. "Colby Brock.l?"

"Yep that's me." He jokingly cheered. "A fan?"

I shook my head. "Not even close— no offense." I explained, smiling at him. "My little sister watches you guys I think, but that was maybe a few years ago."

"Well, I'd love to meet her one day." He says truthfully. "But not like this. It's embarrassing enough to be put in jail for trespassing on a school building."

"Damn, I guess you won that competition. How long are you supposed to be in here for?"

"A day. You?"

"Same," I told him, watching as the buff man stood up and got escorted out by a police. "That's only if I can pull out enough money to bail myself out."

"How much?"

"3,000." I told him, sighing. I really needed to stop wasting all my money on clubs and drinks.

"I can help." I laughed at that. I had just met him and he wanted to help?


He shrugged. "You're beautiful, I don't know. I just want to help."I hummed in response. Watching as the cop walks out and calls my name.

This means it's time to be tortured for twenty-four hours, right?

"Well Colby Brock," I said, looking down at the man who I had just randomly befriended. "Hopefully I'll see ya again."

He nodded to me, giving me a small smile. "I'll find you anyway."

After that, even though I was being dragged into a cell, my heart melted. I had just met this Colby Brock character, and he already had an impact on me.

Welcome to "Locked Up"!

This chapter really does kinda suck but it's 2AM and I'm exhausted!

I'm going to be really slow on posting chapters though, because even though I don't have to GO to school, I still have to do online classes to get credits!

(Gosh darn corona!)

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this series!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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