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The world was drunk with power . The normal world system was entirely broken . Now the world system was based on chaos, wars and destruction.
Clans, family system were born not based on love or friendship but on the need for survival .

There were many kingdoms and each of the kingdom for their fighting power had clans with tremendous power . Among them four clans from four kingdoms were the most powerful . They were powerfull that only four of them could fight each other . They were so proud of their strengths that they would not ask help from kingdoms or other clans .So the battle between the 4 clans continued and as time passed the vengeance and hatred grew among them . Because the four kingdoms had powerfull clans other kingdoms had an unspoken treaty that the kingdoms with less powerful clans would unite each other at the time of an attack by any of the 4 kingdoms .

The 4 clans was from 4 classes which the people were divided according to their skills and proffesion. But this classification based on profession and skill changed by classifying people based on their birth .
The basis of class system was skills but through time class became the basis of ones skills . Hence the four clans were from four classes and four kingdom. The wining of a clan over the other also meant the victory of a class over the other and the victory of a kingdom on the other kingdom .

It was a beautiful day at border of kingdoms Baugulf and Andebert . But that day was about to turn into chaos.
The seldric clan of Baugulf and Adelmour clan of Andebert was about to fight . Near the river Aurelia . Fight among them were common usually they fought each other during another war so these powerfull clans could not get involved in the war .

But this time it was diffrent . It was not the fight for their own . During the last battle between them the Seldric clan leader Aldricus killed three brothers of Darius who was the leader of Adelmour. Aldricus killed them when they were ambushed and they had no weapons . There was an unspoken rule in all the kingdoms that killing a person who is not raising his weapon is immoral . So Aldricus killed them by ignoring the rules . So now it was a battle for revenge .

As the two clans faced each other with river aurelia between them.  From the battle field Darius's thought went to his past . The past when the 4 brothers lived together. He saw his brothers dying in pain and with the pain he turned to the adelmour's and shouted with his most loud voice even the seldric's could hear them from across the river.

' warriors of Adelmour's today will be the most fiercefull battle that will ever take place in human history ', Today the world will see the true power of the Adelmour's ,' This will be the last day seldric's will walk on the earth ! 
Now he turned to the seldric's and shouted
" This will not end after you all have died ,'This will only be over after the last of you seldric's will be killed by my hands "

The battlefield was silent  the seldric's were shocked here . The declaration of Darius on eliminating the entire clan reached the army of seldric's like an arrow piercing their heart. This words make them think about their family and childrens . This made them burn with rage .  The leader of seldric's without turning and looking at the Adelmour's with a rage that was glowing like fire through his face said with his loud voice which showed his rage towards the Adelmour's

' seldric's we are no more here to fight for ourselves we are here to fight for our dear ones and for our genarations to come . This will be the most fiercefull fight the seldric's will ever fight . On this day it will be the end of the Adelmour's '

The battlefield went to the silence . But the Seldric's and Adelmour's didn't knew it was the silence of death . But the nature knew birds went back to their nest even air stopped and everything was silent . Only the river flow. But deep within their hearts they knew only one of them would survive the fight .


This word pierced through the silence like an arrow

With the monstrous cry from both the leaders  both the army rushed at each other with the force like winds travel to hit the clouds , arrows pierced like lighting , swords hit each other like thunder , blood was spilt like rain
The only witness for this fierce war was the nature . The river carried the blood that was on her like time carries the bloodshed of humankind .

The battle lasted for a day and as the sun sets and world went to darkness the sun of  Seldric's drowned in the sea of death and their clan went into the darkness of death .

The Adelmour's who won the war was not fullfilled by their victory. They had to eliminate the whole clan of Seldric. The thought of defeating one among four clans made them think as they were the supreme beings of mankind .
They marched through the night like the
Wind of death that slashes everything thats in its path .

The seldric's were waiting to receive their warriors with blessings and aids. But who came was the Adelmour's. The Adelmour's with great bloodlust killed everyone they saw Children's nor women was spared .
What happened at that night was not the actions of humans but of monsters. Monsters which was made from the power of spirits and evilness of humans.
The Adelmour's started hunting down the seldric's who tried to escape non could escape the attacks of Adelmour's
But one boy escaped The only one boy Derius so badly wanted to kill.

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