17. The crestfallen queen

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It is safe to say that Taehyung was losing his mind.
He was at the end of his rope and was certainly not very blithe about it. It has been one week of him trying everything in his power to catch the silhouette that he now superbly knows the identity of.

However Jungkook was too sly, too quick and too skilled for Taehyung to get hold of. Courtesy to that, here sat the Prince with a big pout and furrowed forehead holding yet another 'note', seventh to be specific, stating another lie from the little diary.

It was not a lie when I said you are breathtaking.
How dare you even think it was? Have you not met you?
Love yourself, petal. 
Even if half as fiercely you loved me. 

Know your worth.

I reckon you wouldn't wait to run far away from me once you do.

-yours, thief.

Shaking hands with fate is a closure. When you close your eyes and arrogate what the destiny is to ensue,  you lose the one most detrimental sentiment - hope.

Taehyung has never been fond of this word in particular since he has certainly believed himself to be quite hopeless. Yet out of a million times that he felt a certain unfamiliar vivacity when he was with Jungkook, there was this one particular feeling, this hope, that left him dejected. 

Hope brings expectation and expectation brings disappointment. Principally so, when you are doubtless about your foreordained fate.

Merely because he is walking fine with a broken heart does not particularly mean he is very keen on having it being stomped on and crushed to powder.

His heart is only Jungkook's to break, not his father's, not King Taran's.

Huffing in frustration about the return of the brute feeling of hope, he pouts and gazes outside the window where he had been standing in hope of a minute glimpse of the other and was left disappointed when he missed it yet again.

"What does he think of himself?" He pouted and shut the window a little more stridently than he intended. Walking to his bed, he dropped unceremoniously  with the sullen expression decorating the handsome features. 

"Is this a Romeo- juliet reenactment for him?" he sulked again "Better should have stayed wherever he vanished to if he didn't possess the mere decency to come and kiss me."
The idea of a wisp of the older's lips on his had Taehyung smiling in mirth. Will he ever get to feel that anew?

"My Romeo." a chuckle escaped his lips. "Brainless, mannerless, sneaky idiot. Wouldn't show me his face" muttering, his eyes shot open in a realisation, cursing his guts after.

'I wish you never show me your face again.'

The bitter reminiscence plays in his head making him bite his tongue grimly and wince after.
"Albeit I also made you agree to leave Arauna! If you wish to break a promise you better break it completely." he twisted his protruding pout to the side in dismal.

As he switched off his lamp, an imaginary bulb of his own lights up over his head making him bounce off the bed promptly to execute the idea to see the other.


"How was the little expedition to Darata?" Taehyung turns his back to assist Namjoon in tying his robe belt. 

It was nothing but a poorly written sketch, his life. What he dresses up for today is a batten down the hatches. A decision for his fate that was put on airs to be awarded in his hand by his will, efficiently hiding the sword that points on his back.

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