Your First Kiss 🧡

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Bill: He was drunk, he stared at you and said, "I think that you are the prettiest person I've ever met, you're just so beautiful and smart and can always make me laugh and it takes so much strength to not wanna kiss you every time I look at you." He says. You stand there shocked. He leans in and kisses you. The kiss lasted about 21 seconds. Which was a lot of time to be kissing. You pulled back and you guys made out. Then you took him home and cuddled all night.

Eddie: It was around 3am you couldn't sleep, you heard a knock on your window and FREAKED out. You opened it to see Eddie. "Hey, I'm sorry I can't sleep." He states shyly. "Oh, okay come in." You say. He comes in and you invite him on your bed. You cuddle  then turn to look at him. You look into his eyes and he looks into yours and you lock lips for about 11 seconds. Then you pull apart. He kisses you again and you guys become to tired to talk about what just happened.

Richie: You were hanging out at the clubhouse when he looked at you and said, "What flavor is your chapstick?" You were confused and you answered with, "Watermelon Sugar High." He looked at you and smirked, "Can I use some?" You looked at him confused. "S-sure?" He leaned in and kissed you so fast you didn't even realize it happened until a few sendings later. "Richie." You state. "Wow, that was some good Watermelon Sugar High." He chuckles and so do you. You lean in again and you kiss rightfully this time, the kiss lasted for about 16 seconds. You enjoyed it and so did Richie.

Stan: You guys were at a party, you hate party's. So you climbed out the window and started to walk home when you hear Stan say, "Hey." You turn around then he offers to bike you home. You accept then you guys run into Bowers but thankfully he biked far enough away to were they could find you guys. The place you ended up at was the quarry. You look down at the pretty water and have a burst of energy, you jump in and Stan just looks at you from up above like your absolutely crazy. "Jump in!" You shout. He takes off his clothes (besides him underwear obviously) and jumps in. You guys play around and splash for awhile you were shocked Stan is always so uptight it was weird. Suddenly, you lock eyes, you guys stare at each other than Stan says, "I like you. Like I really like you." You lean in and kiss him passionately, after 2 seconds he kissed back. You thought it would lead to making out but Stan wasn't that type of guy. After 14 seconds of kissing Stan pulls away. Stan gives you his hoodie and you bike back home.

Mike: You were at his farm at sunset, you could see the beautiful view of Derry from up above. He didn't hesitate, he kissed you for 17 seconds. Then he pulled away. You looked at him over the moon happy and kissed him again.

Beverley: You were having a sleep over at her house and she looked at you in a way you've never been looked at. She calmly says, "I have a huge crush on you y/n." You stare at her and say, "I have a crush on you to Bevy." You lean in and kiss each other for 8 seconds then you pull away.

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