When You Come Out To Them As Bi/Pan 🤎

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Bill: Bisexual: You were watching tv and you said the lead character (who is female) was super hot. He looked at you confused then calmly said, "is there something you need to tell me y/n?" Then you were like, "I'm bisexual." Then he kissed you and you both cuddled then fell asleep.

Pansexual: You: "I'm pansexual." Bill: "Wait I'm not a pan! You don't have a crush on me? I thought you said I was cute and you loved me!" *sad face* "No Bill I like boys, girls, in between, I don't care as long as your human."
Then he kind of just stared at you and walked away. You never talked about it again.

Richie: Bisexual:
You: "So um I um I'm bi."
Richie: "Lol yeah you're bi yourself."
You: *starts to tear up*
Richie: "Oh shit really? I'm sorry y/n I love you."
Then he hugged you and now are constantly checking out hot girls together.

Pansexual: You sent a picture of yourself with a pan and said, "look it's me!" Then he replied with, "what do you mean your not flat you've got a pretty nice ass I'f I don't say so myself."
Then u you gave up on trying to come out to him.

Stan: Bisexual: You: "What do you think of bisexual people?" Stan: "I don't know there cool I guess. Why do you ask." You: "Oh no reason I have to go." Stan: "Bye!" You: "Bye also I'm bi!" Him: *wtf*
Then you had a long conversation with him and he accepted you.

Pansexual: You: "I am pansexual." Stan: "Okay."
Then you guys carried on with life.

Eddie: Bisexual: You were in his room looking at him about to start crying. "What's wrong? Your not sick are you?" Eddie asks looking nervous. "N-no. I'm bisexual Eddie." You say scared to see his reaction. He just sat there for a minute thinking. He kept repeating it to himself trying to remember what it means. Then he stops and asks, "So you like boys and girls y/n?" He asks softly. "Yeah." You reply. Then he holds you.

Pansexual: You: "Eddie." Eddie: "Yes y/n?" "I think I'm pansexual." Eddie: "That's okay baby."
Then he kisses your forehead and you both watch tv for the rest of the day.

Bev: Bisexual: You: I'm bisexual. Her: "I thought you were American."
You both laugh your asses off knowing how gay you guys are together.

Pansexual: You: "I'm pan." Her: "I know we've been dating for almost a year now let's get food in starving."
You laugh and get food.

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