Spilled Milk

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I shook my head and just wondered if that thing from my dream was coming after me or a vampire. I began to run faster. I knew I was paranoid but I guess now all of that makes sense now. This was my new normal now. I was almost out of breath. I reached my neighborhood and walked slowly toward my house. Out of nowhere the biggest dog I have ever seen came up. He looked like a pit boxer mix and was running toward me. I froze I wanted to run but that would have been a bad idea. I just froze. I started to sweat trying to figure out what I was going to do next. "Caro" I heard a voice. A young woman came out of the house on the left. She had a nervous smile approaching us. Caro ran towards her wagging his tail. "I'm so sorry. He's not vicious he just wants to play with everyone sees. He has been in a doggy hotel for two weeks" She said smiling. "Oh, ok," I said with a nervous smile". "He just does not realize how large he is. Isn't that right boy" she said petting Caro. "I see I was a bit startled because he came out of nowhere," I said. "I understand," said the young woman. I hit my thighs and Caro came over wagging his tail I petted him to show I had no hard feelings. I began walking. I was so lucky he was not a stray vicious dog that could have devoured me. Too bad can't tame other big vicious things like Aiden. The whole dream made me a nervous wreck. I did not want to go home just yet and decided to go to the library. Hopefully, I can find some magic books. Once there to my surprise, the place was quite crowded. 

A lot of elementary-aged kids and their parents were all in there. I only saw a few teenagers and some college students who were on the computers. I did not recognize anyone from school which was good. I got passed a few middle schoolers who were loud and crowding around the anime rack. I began scouting for occult books. The section was in the back of the library near the reference books. I looked through the selection and saw it had books on plant magic, Wicca for beginners, palmistry, and geomancy. I skimmed through the books and saw one that stood out. It was called "The sworn book of the mage" it was very discreet from the other magic books and I briskly looked through it. It was written in Latin on the left and English on the right. I read some of the chapters and they talked about summoning planetary spirits and connecting to nature spirits. I sat down by a near table and began to read more from the book. It was intriguing and wanted to learn more about magic. I must have sat there for a good minute because it was already noon. My stomach was growling and I needed a snack. I went through my school bag and was lucky to find a five-dollar bill and two dollars. I smiled at my luck and headed to the vending machine. 

The vending machine was near the entranceway of the library. They did not allow food or drinks inside the library so I had to eat and drink near the vending machine which was silly. I grabbed my bookbag and left the book. At the vending machine, I bought a candy bar and a mountain dew. When I finished my candy bar I put my soda in my bag and headed back to the table. I saw the librarian grab the book and was about to put it back on the shelf. "No no" I shouted. "Mam please keep your voice down," she said with a frown. "Sorry I just need this book, "I said grabbing it from her. I held the book possessively in my arms like it was a precious gem. She gave me an odd look and walked off. I rummaged through my bookbag and grabbed my house keys. My library card was on it and walked to the checkout desk. As I was walking to the checkout desk I saw Aiden and his toadies. Why the hell are they in here? I saw Aiden talking to some blonde girl who was smiling widely at him. She was not from our school so I guess she was just another conquest to his game. I saw Jason intimidating some middle school-aged boy and Hunter talking to a girl who looked no older than 12. Was he serious? Is he that desperate for the points that he's targeting middle schoolers now? I was disgusted and nervous. I did not want them to see me. I just walked fastly out of the library door not realizing I had a book tucked under my arm. Just like that, a loud piercing alarm went off. Everyone just looked at me including my enemies. "Young lady wait" you have to check out the book," said the librarian with a disgusted look. "I'm sorry," I said nervously. I handed her the book and my library card. She grabbed them and looked at me quizzically. The other librarian I saw earlier whispered something in the librarian's ear doing my transaction. She just huffed and shook her head. I guess she thought I was some disruptive thief. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone in the library but I heard whispers. "She tried to steal that book, "She went all beep, "that alarm scared the shit out of me" is what I heard along with giggles at my expense. I looked over and saw Aiden whispering something in the blonde girl's ear causing her to laugh. I saw Jason and Hunter just smirking at me which caused my stomach to do backflips. "Miss here you go" your book is due November 3rd you understand," the librarian," said condescendingly. I nodded my head and went to the exit. I put the book in my bag and started to run. I did not want to run into Aiden. I was almost near the stop light when I heard Aiden shout out to me. I froze dead in my tracks. Why? He was walking towards me with Hunter and Jason following him. I did not need to take this and I began to run. "Hey" he shouted. I ran like a monster was chasing me. One was chasing me. I went behind some buildings and looked around to see if he was following me. I went near a busy road and ran towards another stoplight. 

Once the light turned green I crossed the street and walked near the supermarket. I went into the supermarket to avoid them. I browsed the aisles trying to look like I was shopping. One of the store clerks looked at me funny since I had my bookbag on and I looked sketchy. I did not want to leave just yet and I remembered that the milk soured and I needed to buy some more. I headed to the back of the store and grabbed the first milk in front of me. It could have been organic, whole milk, rice milk, or anything. I just needed some and legitimate reason to be in a supermarket on a Monday afternoon. I went up to the self-checkout and wrestled the five-dollar bill out of my bag. I paid for the milk and I did not even bag it. I did not see Aiden and his goons and I walked casually home. I thought I was home free until I saw a car stop in front of me. I tried to run the other way but Aiden got out of the passenger side and grabbed me. "You wanna commit suicide like your stupid friend," he said. That comment struck me hard. It was worse than what he said in my nightmare. He saw the jug of milk in my hands. I looked at it and then at him. What was he planning? "Give me that," he said grabbing it from my hands. I tried to fight him off me but he was stronger and pushed me down on the ground. He had the milk in his hands and I saw that he was opening it up. "Here," he said dumping the milk on my head. I only let out a yelp. The cold substance just engulfed my head. My hair was drenched with milk.' Hey, this looks familiar, I heard Hunter say taking pictures of me with his phone. Jason just laughed. I began to shake and my body betrayed me and I pushed Aiden. I wasn't mad about the milk but more about what he said about Selena. He stumbled a little and he sneered at me. "What the fuck' he said pushing me down on the ground. He began kicking me on my side causing me to shriek out in pain. "You stupid bitch" he growled. He picked me up from my arm and was about to hit me."Aiden stop, somebody might see you," said Jason. Aiden's jaw flinched. He gave me one last sinister look and tossed me to the ground."See you at school," he said before entering Jason's car. "Bye Katie," said Hunter mockingly. I began to cry frantically with my tears mixing in with the milk.

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