Chapter 26 - To Lose a Mate

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A/N: This chapter will be in Daniel's point of view so we can see what happens while Lauren is out.

Daniel's P.O.V.

Where is she? Where is she? Dammit, where is she?!

My wolf and I were going insane not knowing where she was. She wasn't there after school and I saw her friends leave without her. She wouldn't leave without telling me anything and something just doesn't feel right.

I was pacing in my room wondering what I could do right now. I wanted to go out and look for her but I had no idea where to start. She could be anywhere.

It was dark outside, about to be midnight and I was worried sick. I know she doesn't use her phone much but she hasn't answered any calls or messages at all.

I didn't realize when the door to my room opened, that's how out of my senses I am at the moment.

"Hey, calm down," Jeremy urged me.

"I can't, I just cant! My mate is nowhere to be found, literally anything could have happened!"

"Daniel there's a high chance she's perfectly fine right now and just needs to cool off."

"Something's not right, Jeremy, I can feel it," I said desperately, looking at him with worried eyes.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he began to think.

"How about we look for her? Lucas is asleep so it will just be me and you."

I nodded desperately.

"Okay let's go, I'll take my car you can take you truck. I'll search around the neighborhood you can search any places you think she might be. Since we can't mind link yet, make sure you have your cell phone on you. Got it?"

"Got it," I naturally responded to his orders.

We both headed out immediately. Once we reached our cars, we parted ways. He reassured me that everything was going to be okay and that we would find her. I really hoped so.

I've been driving for about an hour now and still no luck. I checked any places I had been with her: the ice cream shop, the grocery store, and a couple other locations.

I was now on my way to the school. Maybe she was there, maybe she was waiting or maybe something there could give me a clue as to where she was.

'If you had completed the mating process like I said, maybe you wouldn't have such a hard time finding her.'

'I didn't want to pressure her, alright. She needed time, I wasn't gonna force her into anything.'

'Her wolf wanted it just as much as I did, trust me.'

'That was her wolf, but what about her?'

'...You have a point there, but either way it's gonna happen eventually and wouldn't you rather mark her as yours now than later?'

'I already know she's mine, I don't need a mark for that. But yes I would still like to mark her. We just have to wait for the right time.'

'Don't keep me waiting too long.'

I ignored his last comment and focused my attention to the road in front of me. When I arrived at the school, I immediately realized how peaceful it was here at night. No teens around, no drama. Plus it was a large area with a clearance that gave me a beautiful view of the stars. It was relaxing, and after taking in a deep breath of fresh air I relaxed slightly. But my mate was still missing; I can't be at ease until we've found her.

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