chapter 2

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Amber's pov

It was rare when I looked like a mess. Very rare I mean I felt like shit right now. And the reason? my mom's dead and it's my fault.

I wanted to go to a party but due to insomnia I had not slept for three days mom was worried so she told me to rest but I hate feeling helpless and it's not at all due to insomnia. My dad has diabetes type 1 and my parents thought I might have it because I have the symptoms.

I rejected to go to the hospital they listened to me,for now and we still don't know if I have it. Though they treat me fragile and I hate it. I went to the party anyways and when I was there everything was a blur I was suffocating and my friend Ella was worried so she called my mom.

She was on her way when she got in an accident and it's my fault. This happened a month back, I haven't recovered.

I was walking in the hallways everyone looking at me with pity see I hated that look. I ignored it but Ella was at our locker with a box of donut and a coffee looking at me the same way."Hi Amber am so sorry for what happened and I bought you donuts" I sighed and grabbed them. "Thanks" Melissa comes over she looks excited. When she looks at me her smile drops. Here we go."am sorry for what happened" everyone should just stop apologizing. Am the one who should be saying sorry to my mom and dad. "Why are you so happy"

I ask her not wanting to talk about this much longer. "Oh right, there's a new guy he's hot and I get the pleasure of showing him around." Of course, I could care less about this.

"Really what's his name" I ask faking curiosity as I give Ella back the box and I twirl the donut in my hand. Debating whether I should eat it or not.

"He's 6'1 and he is Italian oh my God he's so hot a total ten, he's name is" Melissa stops and squeals she rushes to the she knows his height?I don't know. guess he's here then I should be going.

I take a seat in the back and I check my social media cause it's been awhile since I checked it. There's still time for our lesson to begin.

OMG Kingston and Rosalyn broke up again. I guess that's what happened at the party last month. I'm not surprised actually it's always on and off for them. Minutes pass and I hear the seat next to me scrape. I turn around out of curiosity and to my shock it's the guy who bumped into me this morning. I guess that's the new guy in town.

He's looking at me with a smirk. Not in the mood for this I smirk back WHICH MAKES HIM SMIRK EVEN MORE. I just shake my head and turn back to the teacher who just walked in.
Its now lunch and I have absolutely no intention in eating or being around people but here I am. I take a seat at our usual seat. Consisting of the cheerleaders not all of them but some of them and the football players. "Amber I you going to the party" one of the cheerleaders asked.

Of course everyone was talking about Kingston's party. But I wasn't going everyone knows what happened why would I go to a party. "No am not going" I answer her with a bored expression. "It's you" someone says next to me and I turn around and it's the new guy.

"No it's not" I don't know why I said it but I was tempted okay. He was looking at me with amusement "it definitely is why the sour mode" He asks and I frown. "Nothing, why not schools not something to be happy about" my bored expression evident once again. "You've got a point there but being bitter won't make you teleport back home" he's got a point too whatever he's name is.

"well I can't fake enthusiasm Bill" he's hot and bill is not a name you give hot people so I'll call him that. "Bill really bill" he scrunches he's face at the name.perfect. "yeah you look like a Bill" I grin with victory when I've won nothing.

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