Chapter 3

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I honestly couldn't believe it, how could this be happening? We just saw them on stage... As the giant boyband they are, now they're just sitting with us as if they knew us.

This just can't be real, its crazy. I must be dreaming.

Harry heads over to the front desk to ask for napkins, as he has tea all over him and he got tea all over the lobby floor.

The front desk lady was taken back by his offer to clean it up, and quickly called to get the janitor to clean it up.

Crazy, how these boys don't have to do anything for themselves, I wonder if that would be annoying, always being tended to, like you're not a normal person, like you're some sort of royalty. I don't think I'd enjoy that. But then again I'm not a member of the biggest boyband on the planet.

Harry, still flustered, heads over to the couches in the middle of the lobby, about 20 feet from the sliding glass doors and sort of out of sight from the ohtside, and sits in the only empty chair left.

Louis and I are sitting on the two-person couch, and Sofia and Niall are sharing a one person chair, Niall is on the arm of the chair and Sofia is snuggled up on the actual part of the chair.

Louis and Niall are still catching their breath from laughing, I'm not quite sure why they found it so funny but they do spend more time together then not so maybe its a bro thing.

Harry finally stopped laughing at himself and said

-"well, if you haven't noticed, I did take a wrong turn and I got noticed, so I ran into a building and found the bathroom and locked myself in it for about an hour when finally Paul came and got me because you two didn't answer your phones."

He glares at them, jokingly I can tell by his smirk (the famous Harry smirk)

I decided I was going to speak up because I actually had the opportunity to talk to Harry Styles.

"Wait, I work at the bakery Louis wanted you to go to.. You just have to go straight from here for about 10 blocks and its right at the end on the left."

"Hello love I'm harry" he responds, completely avoiding what I just said, which confused me.

"Hello, I'm Hazel, and this is-"

"Sofia, nice to meet you, by the way my father works in this hotel so I'm here quite often, are you guys staying in the penthouse?" Sofia interrupts

"Well Hazel, I'm quite awful with directions, maybe you could show me tomorrow night as the lads will probably want tea, and it will probably be the only time we can go without being trampled" Harry says with the biggest smile on his face

He hasn't taken his big green eyes off of me since he sat down

"Maybe I will, I mean if you're lucky. I wasn't planning on coming here tomorrow"

"But your friend here says she is here often, so I bet you are to, and judging by your shirt, which is our tour shirt, you were at our concert tonight. I don't think you would pass up that opportunity now would you Hazel?"

"OOO smooth Harry smooth." - Niall says while laughing to himself

I just stare at Harry with the biggest smile on my face and shaking my head because I'm in disbelief that he wants me to show him my bakery, and is even talking to me

"Well I guess you're right, I am a pretty big fan of yours but I'm not impressed as easily as you would expect Mr. Styles, don't think you can get my attention as easily as another fan" I say with a hint of sass, trying to intrigue him.

Sofia starts giggling and whispers something into Nialls ear who then whips out his phone, and rapidly types.

Louis phone then starts vibrating the couch

Obviously those three were planning something.

This whole situation is crazy, how is Sofia already friends with Louis and Niall, how are we sitting here with them as if its no big deal. What is even happening right now?

Whenever I have deep thoughts I tend to stare either to the left or to the right and focus on something, with a blank stare.

Once I realized I was blankly staring at a pole in the lobby. I turned my head to notice that Niall, Sofia, and Louis were all gone.

Harry had moved to the end of my couch, and he was just staring at me.

"Wait where? How... What?" I say in utter confusion of the entire situation

"What's wrong babe?" -Harry

"I just, we just..." I trail off

"Are you going to finish that sentence or? -Harry

"Yes, if you didn't interrupt me" I smile and wink, "I would've finished with, we just saw you in concert, and now we, well we were, sitting with 3 of you as if we were a big group of friends. That doesn't just happen, I'm not that lucky" - I say, staring outside

Harry had turned and positioned himself just like me, knees bent and pulled to his chest.

"Well, I didn't know you two were here, but yes you are right, we don't typically ever get the chance to talk to fans. Louis and Niall have always wanted to hangout with one, they probably jumped at the opportunity when they saw your tour shirts."


"Babe, if I were you I wouldn't question it, I'd just go along with it like your friend there who one of my best mates seems very interested in" -Harry

"Niall?" - I gasp

"Yeah! I can tell the way he looks at a girl, he's a bit obvious that one."

"There's no way, Sofia has had the biggest crush on him for so long!"

"That's crazy! Niall has always wanted to date a fan, so have I, but its only been a few hours and we do have to leave in 4 days so we shall see." He winks

"They seem to be hitting it off... crazy."

"Why is it crazy?"

"Because your music is on my phone, you're the background on my phone, you're in the biggest boyband in the world, and you're sitting in front of me right now. My bestfriend just ran off with the one in the band she's always had her eye on..." I trail off again

"Well love, its like your dreams have come true." He winked

This couldn't be real.

Harry and I talked about nonsense for hours and eventually I fell asleep, because I woke up in my room to Sofia on her phone giggling, then I realize Niall is in the chair next to her bed

I was shell shocked, for the millionth time in the last 24 hours because I thought last night was a dream.

But there was the blonde, Irish goof that Sofia loves, sitting in our room.

I went on my twitter and realized I gained over 100,000 followers.

Harry took a selfie with me sleeping beside him curled up into a ball and tagged me.

I suppose I gave him my twitter tag.

I guess last night was real, I throw my hair up and go in the bathroom to touch myself up, throw on a pair of slippers and head to the lobby for a cup of coffee.

When I came back, there was a note on my door.

"Do you believe in dreams coming true? Mine have, now its your turn"

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