The Journey on Earth.

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Y'all all have seen Man of steel right. If not you are a loser. O.k to all of you that has, this is how it really went. One night when the real super man's wife had a kid. They named it Clark. When the army from Kryptonian went after them. They put clark in a spaceship and sent him to earth. When the captain of the army killed his father and captued the mother he chased clark but he was to fast. When he arrived at earth a farmer was feeding the pigs when he saw something. He said well what in the world is that. When it crash landed he walked to it with his shotgun. When he looked in it there was clark. But the farmer didnt know what his name was so he named it Seth. Seth grew up in Robertsdale ,Al. He went to school at Robertsdale Elementary School. 

 When he  Graduated he went to Canada to work. One day at night time he went walking he started feeling something funny so he went to it. When he arrived it was a icecream truck. He was disappoited so he got some icecream. Then he asked the driver and the passenger what their name was. The drivers name was Gabe. The passengers name was Brayden. Gabe asked what is your name I said Seth. When I looked in I didnt see the driver. The next thing you no Gabe got me he put a sack on my head and tied me up.

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