A New Friend

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A new fic! And it's GouFubu. There's a little FudouxKidou and EnKaze if you squint. Here we have a shy Fubuki. Like really really shy Fubuki. But don't worry, he'll be more confident later on.

Please Enjoy! 


Gouenji Shuuya found himself standing in front of a glass door, staring at the signage that stated "Open" for a few minutes now. He glanced at the store's name: Happy Friends Pet Shop and sighed. This had been the fifth pet shop he visited that day and he wondered if he should just give it up.

If anyone wondered why he was here, the truth is he was looking for a pet—a little companion to "fill the Yuuka-shaped gap in his heart" as his kind friend Endou had stated.

Just a few weeks ago, he moved out of his hometown to study in one of Japan's top universities—Tohoku University in Sendai. While Shuuya was an independent man and was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, he felt that the apartment he stayed in was too big for him.

Having been used to the bubbly presence of his little sister, Yuuka, our platinum haired protagonsit felt that his new place was too quiet and lacked the warmth his home once had. It wasn't that he was lonely. Many of his old friends from his high school soccer club and previous schoolmates were in the same university with him, and some of them were even his classmates in his other classes.

But Endou, Someoka, and most of his friends stayed at Tohoku's dorms while the wealthier ones like Kidou, and despite his denial, Shuuya himself rented their own apartments near the university. His father had been particular about giving him a "perfect environment to study" and that roommates would only be a bad influence and a distraction.

Truth be told, Shuuya wouldn't mind having a roommate. So long as they were clean, quiet, and minded their own business. But perhaps a part of him shared his father's sentiment. Shuuya was, after all, not the most patient man and he wouldn't hesitate to punch some sense into someone if they needed it.

So maybe it was a good idea to give him his own apartment.

But still, it felt a little empty. He thought that maybe he'd learn to get used to it. But on worst days, he felt so homesick that his only joy would be the little conversations he had with Yuuka over the phone before her bedtime. He ended up gloomy for the rest of the week.

Eventually, Endou and Kidou noticed his woes and offered a solution. "Get yourself a pet!" Endou stated as if it was the most obvious answer to his problems. And despite his arguments that pets were too high maintenance, he wouldn't have enough time for them or they would defeat the purpose his father got him an apartment and many other excuses, Shuuya was here, staring at the door.

If I don't find one after this, Gouenji thought begrudgingly as he finally pushed the door open and entered, then I'm gonna stop.

He regretted his decision the moment he entered the store. The husky scent of puppies reached him and he resisted the urge to scowl. He didn't mind dogs, they had one at home after all. The puppies barked happily at the sight of him and wagged their cute little tails. Yuuka would definitely love them.

But they were too energetic for his taste and it would be a bother to clean up after their mess. He found them too needy as well and he was afraid that he might end up neglecting them, especially when he's going to be very busy with his studies. He didn't want to waste time training them too.

He wanted a pet with less hassle. Maybe he should get a goldfish. They just stay in their aquarium all day and all he has to do is feed them. Shuuya glanced at the aquariums and immediately thought, Nah. He'd probably forget their existence and accidentally leave them to die. He didn't want to be guilty of that so he moved past them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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